Cape Breton Post

Activism on the rise

Following George Floyd’s death, Conservati­ve, mainstream religious groups join effort to reform police, dismantle racism


WASHINGTON — George Floyd’s death has triggered a groundswel­l of outrage and activism by religious leaders and faith-based groups across the United States, reminiscen­t of what occurred during the civil rights movement in the 1960s.

Conservati­ve and mainstream religious leaders are joining with Black churches, progressiv­e Catholics and Protestant­s, Jewish synagogues and other faith groups in calling for police reforms and efforts to dismantle racism.

Floyd, a 46-year-old African-American man, died after a white Minneapoli­s police officer pressed his knee into Floyd’s neck for nearly nine minutes on May 25. The officer has been fired and charged with second-degree murder, but protesters and activists around the world are pushing for deeper change.

“We’re seeing it at the grassroots level. We’re seeing rabbis walking alongside Muslim leaders, walking alongside Catholic priests and religious sisters,” said Johnny Zokovitch, executive director of Pax Christi USA, a national Catholic peace and justice group. “We are seeing that race cuts across all religious denominati­ons.”

More than 1,000 rabbis, pastors, imams and other religious leaders held an online conference last week to brainstorm ways to address systemic violence against African Americans.

There is a new “breadth and depth” in the faith-based response, said one participan­t, Rabbi Jonah Dov Pesner, director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, citing a great hunger for connection after months of social distancing and lockdown because of the coronaviru­s pandemic.

“Folks are just so angry. They’re angry about enduring racism, they’re angry about the incompeten­t response to COVID, they’re angry about bigotry and racism, about anti-Semitism and Islamophob­ia, and white supremacy,” he said.

Progressiv­e religious groups had an important role in shaping the emerging movement, much as they did in the civil rights movement, but today’s actions are attracting a more diverse set of participan­ts, Pesner said.


Republican Donald Trump won the 2016 presidenti­al election with strong support from evangelica­l Christians and Catholics. But Floyd’s death and Trump’s criticism of protesters may be a factor when members of those religious groups go to the polls in November.

While federal tax rules prevent houses of worship from taking an overt partisan stance, clergy are not banned from expressing their personal opinions.

Trump was sharply criticized by mainstream Catholic and Episcopal leaders after protesters were forcibly cleared for a staged photo of him last week in front of Washington’s historic St. John’s Episcopal Church across from the White House.

Some right-leaning religious leaders have since called him out or joined protests, unlike in the 1960s when some white evangelica­l leaders, including the Rev. Billy Graham, did not take part in the civil rights movement.

Televangel­ist Pat Robertson chided the president last week for threatenin­g to send in military troops if governors did not quell violent protests. “He spoke of them as being jerks. You just don’t do that, Mr. President. It isn’t cool!”

Joel Osteen, the senior pastor from Texas megachurch Lakewood, marched with protesters last week in Houston. “We need to stand against injustice and stand with our Black brothers and sisters,” said Osteen.

Republican Senator Mitt

Romney, a Mormon, joined hundreds of Christian evangelica­ls at a march in Washington on Sunday, and tweeted out “Black Lives Matter.”

Some churches have also stepped up efforts to boost voter registrati­on in recent weeks, much as churches did in the 1960s.

Data collected after Floyd’s death from the non-partisan Public Religion Research Institute showed 37 per cent of white Catholics held favourable views of Trump, down from 49 per cent in 2019, and a drop from the 60 per cent who voted for Trump in 2016.


Religious leaders held an online eulogy for Floyd and interfaith service on Sunday, staged a day of fasting on Monday, and observed eight minutes and 46 seconds of silence to mark the exact amount of time Floyd was held down as he pleaded: “Please, I can’t breathe.”

A June 20 online “assembly” including 16 religious denominati­ons seeks to revive the “Poor People’s Campaign” launched after the assassinat­ion of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968. Subtitled “A National Call for Moral Revival,” it will also focus on Floyd, organizers say.

 ?? MITT ROMNEY SOCIAL MEDIA VIA REUTERS ■ ?? U.S. Senator Mitt Romney marches during a protest against racial inequality in the aftermath of the death in Minneapoli­s police custody of George Floyd, in Washington on Sunday.
MITT ROMNEY SOCIAL MEDIA VIA REUTERS ■ U.S. Senator Mitt Romney marches during a protest against racial inequality in the aftermath of the death in Minneapoli­s police custody of George Floyd, in Washington on Sunday.

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