Cape Breton Post

Ministers on the road frequently during pandemic


OTTAWA — Even as they warned the public to stay home and avoid all travel during the pandemic’s height, two senior Liberal Cabinet ministers were moving between Ottawa and their ridings regularly using a government plane and a ministeria­l driver.

Health Minister Patty Hajdu travelled back and forth from her home in Thunder Bay, Ont., to Ottawa three times in April using a government plane, reported website Blacklock’s Reporter.

She wasn’t alone in making trips home, as Treasury Board President Jean-Yves Duclos also made multiple visits to his riding in Quebec City during March and April while cases of COVID-19 in Ontario and Quebec were at their peak. Duclos was driven back and forth by his ministeria­l driver.

Hajdu took the lead in the government’s early response to the pandemic and frequently encouraged Canadians to stay home to avoid spreading the virus. She also frequently encouraged Canadians to view the crisis as a common cause and joint sacrifice.

During one press conference in March she said it was imperative that people did everything possible to avoid spreading the virus.

“This is very serious and just because you’re not feeling the illness or you don’t have it necessaril­y in your community, even one case; what we’re trying to do, so diligently together at all levels of government, is prevent this disease from spreading towards other communitie­s.”

According to the government’s online travel disclosure, Hajdu travelled to her riding between April 3 and 6, April 10 and 13, April 30 and May 4, as well as between May 15 and 19, all on the government’s aircraft.

On Friday April 10, Easter weekend, Hajdu tweeted, “It’s important to remember that now is not the time for gatherings with family and friends. Connect with others with a phone call or video chat instead.”

Hours later, she flew into her riding and returned to Ottawa on the Monday

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also came under fire for his behaviour during Easter weekend. He had advised people to stay home and not visit family, but later crossed from Ottawa into Quebec to be with his wife and children at Harrington Lake.

In a statement, Hajdu’s office said she followed the advice of public health officials in Thunder Bay.

“From March to May, she spent 79 days working in Ottawa and 13 days working in Thunder Bay. The Minister followed all public health guidelines from Thunder Bay District Health Unit while at home,” said her press secretary Cole Davidson.

 ?? REUTERS ?? Health Minister Patty Hajdu.
REUTERS Health Minister Patty Hajdu.

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