Cape Breton Post

Finding the road to the good life

- KEVIN MATTATALL pastor.kevin@cbfellowsh­ @capebreton post Kevin Mattatall is the pastor of the Cape Breton Christian Fellowship Church.

Where we end up in life has a lot to do with who or what we follow.

We can't change the results that are stationed along the road that we pick to walk on but we do get to choose among the many roads of life which road will be our journey.

I have noticed that every road has its share of crossroads. These are times when we intersect with others and we are faced with different opportunit­ies. Will we go left or right or straight ahead?

It's in these moments of intersecti­on that we re-evaluate our values and readjust our past adjustment­s.

This being true I have some good news for you. No bad road needs to be permanent if we have the wisdom to make a better choice and take another path.

The Bible says in Proverbs: “Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understand­ing, for the gain from her is better than gain from silver and her profit better than gold. She is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with her. Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honour. Her ways are ways of pleasantne­ss, and all her paths are peace.”

So how do we choose wisely who and what values we choose to follow?

I guess we should first decide where is it that we want to end up? Can we see others who have picked the road you want to try and where did they end up?

Remember the truth, you can't change the results that are along the road you pick, you can only choose to pick a different path. You may think that you are somehow immune to the road's potholes. Stronger and smarter than the evil that waits to touch you but the truth will set you free.

If you pick cheating on your partner then that road will suck natural affection out of you. You can't stop it from happening it's the truth that happens along that road.

If you pick doing drugs then all the garbage on that road is yours.

Going down the wrong road is not God's divine will for your life but it is your choice. You have free will to pick so if you want to live a better life, you'll need to pick a better road.

If I want to go to Baddeck but I'm on the road heading to New Waterford, where am I going to end up if I keep going? What do I need to do if I want to visit Baddeck?

I can't change where I'll be unless I change direction.

If marriage problems never get resolved, where does that road lead? Not being intimate in marriage, where does that road lead?

My dad smoked and he had poor circulatio­n in his leg. The doctor said unless he quit smoking he would lose his leg in two years. I went to see my dad at his house and there he was puffing away. I said, “dad the doctors said (on this road) you will lose your leg.” He said, “what do doctors know.” Two years later his leg had to be removed.

You can think bad results won't happen to you but if the road you're on has been bad to others then the road will dish out bad things to you.

"Oh no, Pastor Kevin I'll be OK." Oh no you won't, you can't wish away bad results.

We live in the most informed generation in history and the informatio­n highway has been twinned. You don't need to make poor decisions but we all need to seek Godly wisdom.

James 1:5: “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.”

Pray about what concerns you and ask for God to guide your steps. I have confidence in you that your future is bright, your road is clear, and with the right choice, goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life.

God bless you all.

 ?? STOCK IMAGE ?? Deciding which road to take can be difficult and can change one’s life.
STOCK IMAGE Deciding which road to take can be difficult and can change one’s life.
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