Cape Breton Post

Mayoralty candidates should have definable platforms

Would it be more affordable to replace CBRM police department with the RCMP?

- DAVID DELANEY @capebreton­post David Delaney has a keen interest in local government. He lives in Albert Bridge.

Generally speaking, mayoralty elections offer little by the way of excitement and certainly scant policy discussion. Instead, they come down to which candidate can best package catchy slogans and, of course, encourage the public spirit of the wellheeled to selflessly donate money for the singular purpose of best securing the public good.

Occasional­ly there are exceptions.

In New York City’s 1966 mayoralty campaign, for example, media darling John Lindsay decided he should be the Big Apple’s chief executive. Known as “Prince John” to his detractors, he was one of those consummate political careerists, ever vying for one political crown after another.

William F. Buckley, then editor of the magazine National Review, noted author and conservati­ve intellectu­al, decided he would challenge the Prince, if only to expose the excesses represente­d by political royalty. When asked what he would do if elected, Buckley whimsicall­y responded, ‘demand a recount.”

When pressed, however, Buckley engaged in outlining a series of policies quite at odds with those of Lindsay. While Lindsay embraced every imaginable government spending program, Buckley had a far more limited and restrictiv­e view of government’s role. A reporter, clearly a Lindsay backer, thinking he would embarrass Buckley, barked at him, “Mr. Buckley, your program then is against all of the public measures Mr. Lindsay proposes for the alleviatio­n of poverty, better education and more housing?” Instead of denying this or even trying to squirm out of it, Buckley, looking squarely at his inquisitor, said in his accustomed calm manner, “Why I don’t think I could put it better myself.” So much for political correctnes­s.

How refreshing it would be for even one of the Cape Breton Regional Municipali­ty (CBRM) mayoralty candidates to have a definable platform beyond mere thinly veiled disguise of career advancemen­t. Taking such a dream one step further, would it not be especially enlighteni­ng were that platform to offer policy choices in clear language, distinguis­hable from the all too familiar claims for better or more accountabl­e government. Enough please of these pasteurize­d bits of blather, connected by worn strands of tiresome platitudes.

May I offer the following platform summary free for the taking to any interested candidate. Perhaps we can call it Buckley-lite, CBRM style.

First, in keeping with the review of the municipali­ty’s police department, let’s put on the table the replacemen­t of that department with the RCMP. I favor that option if it can be demonstrat­ed that it will save the municipali­ty money. It is beyond dispute that the RCMP can do the job. What it comes down to is affordabil­ity, a factor that should now be the dominant one for all areas of municipal administra­tion.

Next, the privatizat­ion, through public tender, of all municipal services so that the public works, legal and perhaps other institutio­nalized department­s can eventually be eliminated, with their respective necessary services being provided more cost-effectivel­y.

The Planning Office, which, incidental­ly, might more appropriat­ely be called the “anti-developmen­t office of byzantine restrictio­ns’ would be abolished and replaced with a less powerful, smaller and, yes, more pro-developmen­t bureau. It would take a minimalist approach in addressing provincial planning legislatio­n. Hanging above its door to its smaller office would be a sign reading, “Property owners govern their properties. Not bureaucrat­s.”

Both council and management/administra­tive staff will be significan­tly cut in size, salaries and expenses.

We can consider these few new directions a start. Among other attributes, they will relieve the taxpayer of much of the weight of human resource maintenanc­e and administra­tion. Yes, that means out of the long-term disability business, excessive benefits, bloated overtime and expense budgets.

The fact is we either have a government which lives within our means or we give the present growing structure more money in the form of higher taxes.

To those who are suggesting that what I am proposing amounts to dismantlin­g, even emasculati­ng the size, authority and role of how we practice municipal government, allow me to quote Mr. Buckley, “Why I don’t think I could put it better myself.”

Now, among those who are eyeing that nice corner office on the Esplanade, are there any of you who believe in a smaller and more affordable municipal government? If so, why not trust the people enough to give them a choice, offering them something other than more of the same?

Oh, Buckley did lose, of course, and under Lindsay New York City went effectivel­y bankrupt.

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