Cape Breton Post

Attendees say claims against seminar false

- NICOLE SULLIVAN CAPE BRETON POST  nicole.sullivan  @Cbpostnsul­livan

SYDNEY — Two German citizens who say they've attended a Knowledge Factory seminar in Cape Breton are criticizin­g recent news coverage about the week-long event.

Both reached out to the Cape Breton Post separately and don't appear to know each other. On their request, the interviews were done through email in English because they couldn't be done over the phone in German which is their first language.

Both say the reports, first published in Der Spiegel magazine then picked up by other German and some Canadian news outlets, are incorrectl­y reporting the Knowledge Factory (Wissensman­faktur) seminars in Cape Breton are being used to push property sales to German speakers with far-right views at highly inflated costs, to create a community of "likeminded" right-wing thinkers.

Der Spiegel, the largest magazine of its kind in Europe with 840,000 subscriber­s, reported through the Knowledge Factory founder Andreas Popp and his partner Eva Herman, were allegedly doing this with the help of Cape Breton Real Solutions, a real estate company who take care of property sales.

Esther March from Berlin told the Post she and her husband found the Knowledge Factory online and are subscriber­s to Herman and Popp's social media channels.

"(We decided to attend because) we were toying with the idea of resettling in Canada and we wanted to obtain informatio­n about how to prepare for the looming financial crisis," said March, who attended the Oct. 7-14, 2019 seminar held at Dundee Resort.

"We had a wonderful time on Cape Breton Island and had an experience which far exceeded our expectatio­ns. Eva Herman and Andreas Popp are two very kind and decent people and I'm very happy to have had the chance to meet them,"

During the week, March said they attended lectures from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., with breaks every hour and a half plus lunch. After supper, there would be sighting activities.

"Cape Breton Real Solutions was not involved directly. Seminar members who showed interest in buying real estate on Cape Breton Island were made aware of the company and were given means to establish contact, if they so wished. The topic of living in Cape Breton came up near the end of the seminar … We were not asked if we wanted to see some of the properties available with Cape Breton Real Solutions. We asked for that ourselves."

Lars, who asked that his last name not be used because he doesn't want to be found in internet searches, described a daily schedule similar to what March does.

The seminar Lars attended in 2015 was held at a different venue and Cape Breton Real Solutions wasn't there, he said another Germanowne­d property developmen­t company was.

"As far as I recall, buying property in Cape Breton wasn't a big part of the seminar," said Lars, who first introduced to Andreas Popp through Popp's Youtube channel.

"It wasn't one of the major issues. In the course of time this topic was raised. Since Andreas Popp is very often asked why he chose Canada for living, he explained these reasons in more detail. Nobody asked me to look at a property for sale during the seminar."

Lars also said Popp didn't "sell plots of land" during the seminar.

"On the contrary, people were warned against buying a property out of emotion," he said.

Both March and Lars said they didn't attend any lectures they felt discussed farright extremist ideologies or anything that downplayed the atrocities of the Holocaust.

"During a lecture at the seminar, Mr. Popp told us that he viewed the Holocaust as the darkest chapter in German history and said it must never be repeated," March said. "As a Jewish person who has lost relatives in the Shoa, I distance myself from anything or anyone denying the Holocaust and the crimes of the Nazis."

"I enjoyed the seminar very much," Lars said. "It was a very positive and constructi­ve atmosphere. There was a great appreciati­on among the participan­ts, even if the participan­ts were sometimes very different. The seminar helped me to better understand political and economic connection­s … I assume that Mr. Popp never denied or played down the Holocaust and that he also does not sympathize with positions in this regard."

With regards to reports seminar attendees aren't allowed to keep cellular devices on them during the lectures, Lars said that wasn't the case when he attended five years ago. March said there was one time attendees weren't able to have their cell phones when they attended in 2019.

"We were asked to turn off our mobiles and to put them in a basket for the duration of the lecture," she said. "This was due to the fact that an attendee of an earlier seminar had recorded part of the lecture and later taken things out of context to presumably slander the Wissensman­faktur (Knowledge Factory)."

Multiple statements from Herman and Popp, which have been posted on their websites, deny the Knowledge Factory seminars are used to sell property in Cape Breton or to help create a community of Germanspea­king, far-right thinkers.

"We, as persons Andreas Popp and Eva Herman, who give lectures for the Wissensman­faktur, have never asked anyone to buy land," reads one of their statements, which can be read in full on the Cape Breton Post website.

"We are neither property dealers nor developers. Most of the participan­ts in our seminars have not planned to buy a plot of land either. Instead, they attend the seminar for one week because they are interested in the topics."

Since reports about the Knowledge Factory seminars were published last week, some businesses that had affiliatio­ns with the organizati­on have released written statements about their relationsh­ip with them, including Dundee Resort.

"It has come to our attention recently that a group in Cape Breton who has rented our conference centre in the past, has been accused of alarming ideologies, which in no way represent the values of Dundee Resort," the statement reads.

"These rentals were booked with an understand­ing with our Cape Breton-based manager that they were to promote land use in Cape Breton."

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