Cape Breton Post

Canada struggling to control COVID-19 outbreak among Hutterite community


OTTAWA — Canada is struggling to contain a COVID-19 outbreak among a highly private religious group that lives in tight-knit colonies and eschews mainstream society for a more traditiona­l agrarian lifestyle.

Three Western Canadian provinces have reported hundreds of new cases of the coronaviru­s on Hutterite colonies in recent weeks, which have contribute­d to an uptick in Canada’s COVID-19 curve.

The Hutterites, a small Christian sect, are a key cog in Canada’s food chain, with colonies operating industrial grade farms that produce grains, eggs, meat and vegetables, which are sold to large distributo­rs and at local farmer’s markets.

“This outbreak is quite severe,” Saskatchew­an Premier Scott Moe told reporters this week, noting that confirmed Hutterite cases in that province could reach 300 to 400 in the coming days, up from 248 on July 24.

Neighborin­g Manitoba had more than two dozen cases on

three colonies as of July 22, though it has since stopped giving the breakdown. Alberta’s Hutterite cases are among the province’s 394 active outbreak-associated cases.

Canada has seen an increase in COVID-19 cases in many regions as stores and public spaces have reopened. The Hutterite outbreak underscore­s the difficulti­es that may lie ahead, with some colonies avoiding testing out of fear of broad economic shutdowns and some community leaders disregardi­ng health guidelines.

“There were some Hutterite leaders who... didn’t take it seriously,” said Mary-ann Kirkby, who grew up on a Hutterite colony in Manitoba and wrote a memoir on her heritage. “And that has led to some of these outbreaks.”

Kirkby added that stigma around the outbreak is also impacting the community.

“This is farmer’s market time and the Hutterite tables are sold out sometimes before the market opens,” she said. “But people now are not buying their produce and calling out to them and that’s really, really tough on them.”

“COVID-19 does not discrimina­te. This virus can affect any one of us,” Canada’s Chief Medical Officer Theresa Tam told reporters on Tuesday when asked about the Hutterite outbreaks.

Some cases have been linked to local and interprovi­ncial travel. Most colonies are now working closely with public health officials to contain the spread and no farms have been shut down, though some are isolating.

Canada is home to most of the world’s Hutterites, some 35,000 people, who are known for their distinctiv­e clothing. Women typically wear long apron dresses and head coverings, while the men don dark pants held up with suspenders and often wear hats.

Families live in colonies, work together on the community farm, eat their meals in a communal kitchen and attend church together every evening, all close-contact activities that are seen as high risk for spreading COVID-19.

 ??  ?? Mounted cowboys listen to Hutterites from the Green Acres colony as women members of the colony sing to riders on the side of Highway 56, west of Hussar, Alta.
Mounted cowboys listen to Hutterites from the Green Acres colony as women members of the colony sing to riders on the side of Highway 56, west of Hussar, Alta.

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