Cape Breton Post

Reporter turned tech CEO lands big deal


Jeff Kofman had travelled the globe as a broadcast reporter for 30 years, interviewe­d presidents, covered coups and been embedded with United States troops in Iraq in 2003, with bombs and bullets flying, and peril near at hand.

But none of that had prepared him for the series of hashtags that appeared on his computer screen in the spring of 2015. The hashtags — errors in Excel speak — taunted him and filled him with dread as he contemplat­ed his next move at the kitchen table of the house in north London that he shares with his husband and fellow Canadian, Michael Levine, a world-renowned set and costume designer.

Kofman knew how to handle tough assignment­s. After all, he had won an Emmy in 2011 for his reports on the Libyan Revolution for ABC. What he didn’t know was how to navigate a spreadshee­t, a blind spot that led to the hashtags and, alas, a moment of despair for a veteran reporter, who had this great idea to start a technology company that would harness the power of artificial intelligen­ce to automatica­lly transcribe speech to text, but no idea how to actually write a business plan.

“I had no financial experience at all,” Kofman said, laughing at the memory. “The honest truth is, early on, when one potential investor asked on a call if she could see my KPIs, I had to turn my computer away and Google KPI.”

For the record: KPI stands for key performanc­e indicator and there are generally more than one. Taken collective­ly, they measure whether a company is achieving its growth targets and is on the type of trajectory that might encourage a potential investor to become an actual investor.

On that front, some news: Kofman and Trint Ltd., the tech company he founded in the United Kingdom, in part to make the lives of every working journalist easier by eliminatin­g the time-consuming, productivi­ty-sapping need to manually transcribe interviews, recently harpooned the Moby Dick of media brands as an investor.

New York Times Co. is leading an $8-million round of new funding for Kofman’s startup that has raised $21 million since his first wobbly forays into the world of spreadshee­ts.

“Trint has already struck a chord with thousands of users looking to work seamlessly across audio, video and text,” Matthew Lloyd-Thomas, senior manager of mergers, acquisitio­ns and investment at New York Times Co., said in a statement affirming the company’s commitment to Trint.

At times, Kofman sounds genuinely amazed by his unlikely career pivot.

“I always thought I would be one of those reporters who died in the newsroom,” he said on a Zoom call one late September afternoon while holidaying on a Greek island with a magical view of the Mediterran­ean.

Feelings, much like times, change, and as Kofman ticked into his 50s — he is now 61 — he felt broadcast journalism was changing, and not for the better.

Stories about celebritie­s, the weather and stuff, if he was being completely honest with himself, he didn’t give a whit about were starting to chip away at his passion for a job he dearly loved — a gig, coincident­ally, that required a mountain of transcript­ion work.

All those hours spent listening to interviews, typing, then listening and typing some more came to mind when Kofman met some coders at a tech event in London in 2013.

The coders were fooling around with audio and text. The reporter mentioned that transcribi­ng was the thing he hated most about being a reporter, and how he wished there was a technology that could accurately translate speech to text.

The coders and Kofman kept in touch — one still works with him now — and, within a couple years, the Emmy award winner was duking it out with a bunch of unruly hashtags.

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