Cape Breton Post

‘In the right direction’

Nova Scotia reports 110 new cases, 12 in eastern zone


HALIFAX — Nova Scotia reported 110 new cases of COVID-19 on Thursday and the number of people in hospital jumped to 85.

There are 83 new cases in the central health zone, 12 in the eastern zone, nine in the western zone and six in the northern zone.

Eight patients in a nonCOVID-19 unit at the Halifax Infirmary have tested positive for COVID-19, the Health Department said in a news release.

They have been transferre­d to a COVID-19 unit. The other patients in the non-COVID-19 unit have tested negative and are being closely monitored.

As a precaution, Nova Scotia Health Authority is testing staff and doctors who have worked in the unit.

“We are seeing early signs that our case numbers are declining, which is an indication that the restrictio­ns that are in place are working,” said Dr. Robert Strang, Nova Scotia’s chief medical officer of health, in the release. “The cases we are seeing have fewer close contacts than cases in previous weeks. We’re headed in the right direction, so let’s keep up the good work by strictly adhering to the public health protocols.”

The release said 155 more people have recovered from the virus compared to Wednesday.

Nova Scotia has 1,572 active cases of COVID-19. There are 85 people in hospital, up from 75 yesterday, including 15 in intensive care.

Nova Scotia Health Authority’s labs completed 7,205 tests Wednesday.

“I am pleased that case numbers are not rising in central zone where the outbreak has been most serious,” said Premier Iain Rankin in a news release.

“We all must keep at it to ensure that we stop the spread of fast-moving variants. If you are feeling unwell, please stay home. By following the public health measures, we are working to keep each other safe.”

Since April 1, there have been 2,665 positive COVID19 cases and five deaths. Cases range in age from under 10 to over 90. There are 1,088 resolved cases. Cumulative cases may change as data is updated in Panorama.

There have been over 402,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine administer­ed in the province. Of those, 38,421 Nova Scotians have received their second dose.


Also Thursday, Irving announced that its Halifax shipyard will close until Monday after a new COVID-19 case was identified. Another update will be issued Thursday.

Work was suspended Tuesday night at the shipyard after three people tested positive during rapid testing. But those tests came back negative after PCR tests were done so work resumed on Wednesday. A news release from Irving late Wednesday afternoon said all 168 tests on day shift workers and staff in the HMCS Ville de Quebec project came back negative.

One additional contractor who tested positive is a prior close contact who has been away from the workplace since last Friday and is selfisolat­ing.

Shelter Nova Scotia also reported a positive case at Metro Turning Point in Halifax after asymptomat­ic testing of 30 people on Tuesday.

 ?? COMMUNICAT­IONS NOVA SCOTIA PHOTO ?? Education and Early Childhood Developmen­t Minister Derek Mombourque­tte, front, with COVID-19 mass immunizati­on clinic at Cape Breton University site managers Michelle Huntington, left, and Joyce Linde, have a virtual visit with Premier Iain Rankin.
COMMUNICAT­IONS NOVA SCOTIA PHOTO Education and Early Childhood Developmen­t Minister Derek Mombourque­tte, front, with COVID-19 mass immunizati­on clinic at Cape Breton University site managers Michelle Huntington, left, and Joyce Linde, have a virtual visit with Premier Iain Rankin.

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