Cape Breton Post

Silly season gets an early start

Are flying saucer sightings making a comeback?

- GWYNNE DYER Gwynne Dyer’s new book is “Growing Pains: The Future of Democracy (and Work).”

The silly season has come early this year.

Normally it happens in August, when wicked people all over the northern hemisphere temporaril­y stop doing evil things to take their children to the beach and enjoy the last of the summer. With no bad news to report, desperate journalist­s will run any story, however silly.

Why is it silly season in June this year? Because the U.S. Department of Defence has announced that it will release a report on unidentifi­ed aerial phenomena (UAPS), which is what people who want to sound grown-up say instead of unidentifi­ed flying objects (UFOS).

The only reason that UFOS/UAPS were such excellent media fodder in their heyday in the 1950s, and that they are making a comeback now, is the hope and/or fear that “the aliens are among us.”

Flying saucers, in other words, controlled by aliens who may or may not be friendly.


There are rival, non-alienrelat­ed explanatio­ns, of course, but they all fail. For example, there is the hypothesis that these mysterious flying objects are really ultraadvan­ced Chinese or Russian technology being tested over the United States, but that’s utterly implausibl­e.

“Any sufficient­ly advanced technology is indistingu­ishable from magic,” as Arthur C. Clarke’s Third Law puts it, but at no time in modern history have the major powers of this planet been that far apart in technology.

Besides, one does not test one’s most advanced flight technology over what is potentiall­y enemy territory.

Then there are all the suggestion­s that the UFOS are optical illusions, meteorolog­ical phenomena or electromag­netic events. Most alleged UFO sightings undoubtedl­y do fit into one of those categories, but there is a residue of cases where no obvious explanatio­n is available. However, that does not entitle us to assume that we are being watched by aliens.


I’m not saying that aliens don’t exist. The fact that life has emerged on this planet shows at least the possibilit­y that it exists on other planets too.

Same goes for intelligen­t life and technologi­cal civilizati­ons.

And there are squillions of planets in the universe, so in theory there could be at least a few zillion civilizati­ons.

On the other hand, there is the problem of the great silence. As physicist Enrico Fermi put it back in 1950: “Where is everybody?”

The universe is very old, so if civilizati­ons were common, and long-lived enough to develop and sustain interstell­ar travel, then they would have spread throughout the universe by now. Their existence would be obvious.

That is Fermi’s Paradox. It’s 70 years old, and still unanswered. However, there is one chilling possibilit­y that some experts do take seriously.

Conditions in the universe have been suitable for life for at least the past 10 billion years, so the first civilizati­ons might have emerged that long ago. Not necessaril­y anywhere near our own galaxy, but if even one civilizati­on cracked the problem of longterm survival, it could have spread throughout the universe in less than one billion years even without fasterthan-light travel.


Would it subsequent­ly allow rival civilizati­ons to emerge, some of which would certainly be dangerous to it? Or would it constantly monitor planets with life to ensure that if any such rivals do emerge, it can destroy them before they became dangerous?

It’s a far-fetched hypothesis, but it’s completely rational and it would resolve Fermi’s Paradox. Yes, the universe is full of life, but no, there are not a lot of civilizati­ons: one of the earliest ones has been strangling all the others in their cradles for billions of years. And, of course, it avoids communicat­ing by means detectable to dawn civilizati­ons like our own.

I don’t believe this is true, but it COULD be true. It would certainly provide a justificat­ion for the presence of an autonomous monitoring system set to report to home base about any emerging civilizati­on problem on Earth (and on a bajillion other planets with life)– or just to destroy the new civilizati­on automatica­lly once it has crossed a certain threshold.

What I find completely incredible is the notion that such a ruthless, universal, billions-of-years-old civilizati­on would be monitoring us with devices that we can actually see. That does not compute.

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D ?? A collectibl­e coin issued by the Royal Canadian Mint in 2020 recreated the legend of the 1978 UFO over Clarenvill­e, N.L. UFOS continue to fascinate the world, proven by the media attention on a recent report revealed by the U.S. government.
CONTRIBUTE­D A collectibl­e coin issued by the Royal Canadian Mint in 2020 recreated the legend of the 1978 UFO over Clarenvill­e, N.L. UFOS continue to fascinate the world, proven by the media attention on a recent report revealed by the U.S. government.
 ??  ??

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