Cape Breton Post

TRACEY, Jaycee


Sometimes a simple thank you can seem woefully insufficie­nt. This is one of those times. On May 6, 2019, we lost our precious Jaycee, a gentle child, full of grace with a world of potential. What an honor to Jaycee to see such love and support from our entire community. To the hundreds who stood in line for an hour or more in the cold outside the funeral home, and those who packed the church, literally to the rafters to pay respects, the images are forever etched in our hearts and minds. We saw tears in so many eyes and indescriba­ble grief on so many faces. We know you were hurting for us and for a sweet, innocent little girl taken from us far too soon. To those who brought endless gifts of food, sent floral tributes, made donations to special causes, sent cards and gifts, and sent messages of condolence, your thoughtful­ness will never be forgotten. To our closest friends and family who did everything but breathe for us when we could

barely function, thank you for being there. Special thanks to Reverend Myrna Mac Mullin, St. Mary’s choir and organist, staff of Tracey’s Funeral Home and Heather Kerr for her beautiful solo, “Jealous of the Angels”.

Jaycee was a vibrant, happy, curious, bright eyed child. When someone referred to her as a princess a few days before her passing, she said “I’m not a princess I’m a ballerina". Jaycee would have danced in her first dance recital on her 4th birthday June 15. Thank you to Denise, Elizabeth and everyone involved in the D and R dance family for your overwhelmi­ng love and support in honoring a little ballerina who was with you for such a short time.

Thank you to Alana MacKay and Tara Smith for founding the “Jay It Forward” movement, people spreading love and kindness in Jaycee’s name and making someone’s day brighter as Jaycee did every day, to everyone she came in

contact with. For the past 2 years the beautiful people in our community, many of whom did not know Jaycee or our family, have overwhelme­d us with love, by the countless kind deeds they have done in her name. We can’t thank you enough. Keeping Jaycee’s memory alive means the world to us and we know that no matter how many years pass, our loving community will never forget our precious Jaycee


Today is Jaycee’s 6th birthday. Think of her dancing around in her pink frilly dress to her favorite songs ‘Thunder' and ‘Roar', or catching frogs in her little pink rubber boots and if

you can, do a kind deed in her memory.

“Bright eyes, burning like fire Bright eyes, how can you close and fail How can the light that burned so brightly suddenly burn so pale?

Bright eyes”

We miss you so much Jaycee it hurts beyond words. Your little sister Jaya says

“I miss Jaycee. When will she be done of heaven?”

Love you always and forever Mommy, Daddy, Little Sister and Best friend Jaya, Nana Carol, Poppy T., Grandma Gwen, Auntie Breagh (Uncle Andrew), Auntie Melissa, Uncle Steven (Aunt Danielle), “Big Brother” Matthew, Great Aunt Colleen (Uncle Jack) and Great Uncle Clifford (Aunt Donna)

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