Cape Breton Post

Taliban mark U.S. troops withdrawal with gunfire


Celebrator­y gunfire resounded across the Afghan capital on Tuesday as the Taliban took control of the airport following the withdrawal of the last U.S. troops, marking the end of a 20-year war that left the Islamist group stronger than it was in 2001.

Shaky video footage distribute­d by the Taliban showed fighters entering the airport after the last U.S. troops flew out on a C-17 aircraft a minute before midnight, ending a hasty and humiliatin­g exit for Washington and its NATO allies.

“It is a historical day and a historical moment,” Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid told a news conference at the airport after the departure. “We are proud of these moments, that we liberated our country from a great power.”

An image from the Pentagon taken with night-vision optics showed the last U.S. soldier to step aboard the final evacuation flight out of Kabul — Major General Chris Donahue, commander of the 82nd Airborne Division.

America's longest war took the lives of nearly 2,500 U.S. troops and an estimated 240,000 Afghans, and cost some US$2 trillion.

Although it succeeded in driving the Taliban from power and stopped Afghanista­n being used by al Qaeda as a base to attack the United States, it ended with the hardline militants controllin­g more territory than when they last ruled.

The Taliban brutally enforced their strict interpreta­tion of Islamic law from 1996 to 2001, not least by oppressing women, and the world is watching now to see if the movement will form a more moderate and inclusive government in the months ahead.

Long lines formed in Kabul on Tuesday outside banks shuttered since the fall of the capital as people tried to get money to pay for increasing­ly expensive food.

There was a mixture of triumph and elation on the one side as the Taliban celebrated their victory, and fear on the other.

“I had to go to the bank with my mother but when I went, the Taliban (were) beating women with sticks,” said a 22-year-old woman who spoke on condition of anonymity because she feared for her safety.

She said the attack occurred among a crowd outside a branch of the Azizi Bank next to the Kabul Star Hotel in the centre of the capital.

“It's the first time I've seen something like that and it really frightened me.”

Thousands of Afghans have already fled the country, fearing Taliban reprisals.

More than 123,000 people were evacuated from Kabul in a massive but chaotic airlift by the United States and its allies over the past two weeks, but many of those who helped Western nations during the war were left behind.

A contingent of Americans, estimated by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken at fewer than 200, and possibly closer to 100, wanted to leave but were unable to get on the last flights.

British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab put the number of U.K. nationals in Afghanista­n in the low hundreds, following the evacuation of some 5,000.

General Frank McKenzie, commander of the U.S. Central Command, told a Pentagon briefing that the chief U.S. diplomat in Afghanista­n, Ross Wilson, was on the last C-17 flight out.

“There's a lot of heartbreak associated with this departure,” McKenzie told reporters. “We did not get everybody out that we wanted to get out. But I think ,if we'd stayed another 10 days, we wouldn't have gotten everybody out.”

The departing U.S. troops destroyed more than 70 aircraft and dozens of armoured vehicles. They also disabled air defences that had thwarted an attempted Islamic State rocket attack on the eve of their departure.

As the Taliban watched U.S. troops leave Kabul on Monday night, at least seven of their fighters were killed in clashes in the Panjshir valley north of the capital, two members of the main antiTaliba­n opposition group said.

 ?? REUTERS ?? Taliban forces patrol at a runway at Hamid Karzai Internatio­nal Airport in Kabul on Tuesday, a day after U.S troops withdrawal from Afghanista­n.
REUTERS Taliban forces patrol at a runway at Hamid Karzai Internatio­nal Airport in Kabul on Tuesday, a day after U.S troops withdrawal from Afghanista­n.

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