Cape Breton Post

Practise makes perfect

Riverview student top trumpet player at his level in Canada

- ELIZABETH PATTERSON CULTURE REPORTER elizabeth.patterson @CBPostEliz­abeth

ALBERT BRIDGE — At the ripe old age of 16, Matthew Mulvihill is quietly proving himself to be one of this island’s top musicians.

Mulvihill has just earned a national gold medal for grade 5 trumpet from the Royal Conservato­ry of Music.

It’s not his first accolade — he’s also earned Atlantic Canada gold medals for grades 5 and 6 in piano and an Atlantic Canada gold medal for Grade 4 trumpet.

Being the top student at his level for the entire country is no mean feat but Mulvihill is modest about his accomplish­ments. When asked if he felt pleased about the honour, his answer was to-the-point. “Yes.”

Mulvihill is the son of John and Paula Mulvihill of Albert Bridge. He will be going into Grade 11 at Riverview High School in Coxheath this year.

He’s still thinking about what he’ll do after school but for now, he’s keeping his time filled wth music. He’s a member of the Riverview School Band and will be joining the Nova Scotia Youth Wind Ensemble this year. He also takes private trumpet lessons with Tyler Campbell and piano lessons with Katherine Fraser. He volunteers as a drummer at the Fortress of Louisbourg and he tutors other students in the youth peer program.

In addition to piano, trumpet, drumming and choir, he’s also found time to be a member of the Riverview student council, the Interact Club, school band and jazz band, book club, the Children’s Chorus of Nova Scotia as well as chess club and he played soccer.

He also takes his talent to veterans’ graveside services and plays the Last Post for Remembranc­e Day. He’s also competed in the science fairs, math competitio­ns and is a honour roll French Immersion student.

It seems like a lot to keep up with but he always finds time to rehearse so he can keep improving as a musician.

“I try to practise for at least a half an hour a day. I enjoy it.”

 ??  ?? Matthew Mulvihill of Albert Bridge recently won a national gold medal for level five trumpet from the Royal Conservato­ry of Music.
Matthew Mulvihill of Albert Bridge recently won a national gold medal for level five trumpet from the Royal Conservato­ry of Music.

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