Cape Breton Post



Hats off to two Glace Bay residents for repeatedly insisting on the cleanup of dumped garbage in their neighbourh­ood (‘Eyesore,’ Cape Breton Post, July 27.) They have joined an army of angry Cape Bretoners who must deal with the disgusting presence of litter and piles of discarded garbage.

Such widespread presence of discarded garbage reflects a fundamenta­l lack of respect for the nearby property owners who sometimes must clean up the mess, or at least a portion of it. But all Nova Scotians are on the line for the cleanup costs and the damage to the reputation of a beautiful province.

France’s Conte Nast, National Geographic and Macleans have Cape Breton surpassing Hawaii, Bali, Galapagos and all other islands in Canada and the United States in terms of beauty. But when tourists arrive, what are they to think when they drive by local dumping sites and litter deposited everywhere throughout the province. The ubiquitous presence of garbage sites reflects a fundamenta­l lack of respect for who and where we are. It runs counter to the admirable public image we need and have earned.

Everywhere in Nova Scotia one will encounter discarded trash as if the earth is our waste facility to use at will. The dumps put a different image on the island’s reputation.

Jerry Seinfeld calls it “trashifica­tion,” meaning everything we own eventually ends up as garbage. In Cape Breton, police have identified more than 700 dumping sites.

Widespread littering is still a local problem dealt with by each municipali­ty. But we should see it as a provincial problem. We need to elevate it to an offence against the province, not just the local municipali­ty.

Illegal dumping is not just an eyesore. It presents health hazards to anyone wanting to enjoy the natural adventures of Cape Breton. Lots of dangerous products end up in fields and beaches.

The police are reporting garbage that contains hundreds of needles, all potentiall­y contaminat­ed. And asbestos is often found among discarded garbage. Now garbage is regularly appearing on our shorelines, and in small rural communitie­s.

Overboard dumping has become a visible problem as the refuse from boats laps up on the shores of our beaches. It is dangerous to wildlife and to people who use our beaches for recreation.

In spite of concentrat­ed efforts on the part of the police and personnel at Cape Breton Regional Municipali­ty’s Waste Management Facility, illegal dumping continues to be a growing industry on the island.

We need to be more vigilant and willing to report it to the hotline at 567-1337.

If we see people dumping, call it in.

Jim Guy


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