Cape Breton Post

Quick-thinking volunteers save kayakers near Digby


DIGBY, N.S. — Johnny Amero was unloading nets from an open boat at the Digby wharf on Monday afternoon when his phone started squawking.

The page came through to the member of the Bear River Volunteer Fire Department’s phone — two kayakers needed rescuing.

While he knew members of the department would be responding with the department’s new rescue boat, he also knew how critical time matters on the water.

So he and his two fellow Cooke Aquacultur­e technician­s, Morgan Graham (a member of the Digby Fire Department) and Jaden Lent, got back in their work boat, opened up the throttle and headed back out.

They found a mother and daughter about two kilometres from shore.

They had capsized their rented kayak and while the daughter had managed to get back in, the mother had spent what she estimated was 45 minutes in the water.

“The daughter was definitely in shock, but she wasn’t saying much,” said Amero. “The mother was very talkative, but she had barely any feeling from waist down from being in the water.”

SaltWire Network has been unable to reach the two women who the three aquacultur­e technician­s brought to shore and transferre­d to waiting paramedics and firefighte­rs.

A family member posted a statement on social media Monday evening expressing thanks.

“They went a little too far and the wind picked up,” read the statement. “The kayak tipped over and both were in the water. Thankfully, the man that rented them the kayaks insisted they put their cellphones in a protected case so they didn’t get wet ... Could have turned out a lot differentl­y. You all are wonderful for your fast action. They are safely on their way home to Ontario today.”

Amero agreed that having their cellphones dry so that they could call 911 may have saved their lives.

Asked what’s been going through his mind since the rescue, Amero said, “At end of day, you just want to help people and make sure they go home alive. It’s a great feeling knowing that I helped.”

For its part, Cooke Aquacultur­e issued a statement celebratin­g its employees.

“We’re so proud of Morgan Graham, Jayden Lent and Johnny Amero for acting quickly to save the distressed paddlers,” said Joel Richardson, vice-president of public relations for Cooke Aquacultur­e. “These gentlemen didn’t hesitate to perform the rescue and we’re all glad the kayakers are now safe and sound.”

 ?? ?? Morgan Graham, Jayden Lent and Johnny Amero rescued two kayakers from Toronto near Digby on Monday.
Morgan Graham, Jayden Lent and Johnny Amero rescued two kayakers from Toronto near Digby on Monday.

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