Cape Breton Post



Re: ‘Green Cove best site for proposed veterans’ monument,’ Cape Breton Post letter to the editor, March 22.

I had no doubt that when I responded on March 7 to Ray Stapleton's initial letter on March 1 regarding the proposed Never Forgotten National Memorial (NFNM) in the Cape Breton Highlands National Park that there would be a reply (see above). I had fully intended to speak my piece and leave it at that regardless of the expected response.

However, in the interest of truth, a few things need to be set straight.

I stated in my letter that “My issue with the site is not the size of it in comparison to the size of the park.” I don't know why Mr. Stapleton feels the need to again address the size of the proposed memorial in relation to the park. My comment with respect to monuments in national parks was in reference to his apples-to-oranges comparison of other marvels of constructi­on not constructe­d in a national park in Canada.

Also, I believe Fortress Louisbourg is a national historic site operated by Parks Canada and is not a national park.

What is most disturbing about Mr. Stapleton's response on March 22 is his reference to a "pitiful excuse of a monument to veterans on French Mountain near Cheticamp."

Oh my God, really? I am at a loss for words. How can anyone describe a monument to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice as a “pitiful excuse?” What an awful thing to say.

I will never respond again to Mr. Stapleton’s comments in this paper or anywhere else. I do not want to be associated in any way with someone who refers to any monument as a “pitiful excuse.”

Scott MacKinnon

Cape North, Victoria County

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