Cape Breton Post

Biotech firm gets $4M in seed funding


SYDNEY — A Sydney-based biotech firm developing an additive to make stronger, cheaper and environmen­tally friendly concrete has received $4 million in seed financing.

AlterBiota, which has a pilot plant located in Edwardsvil­le, successful­ly closed a seed financing round led by Invest

Nova Scotia, according to a news release issued last week.

Funds will be used for industrial product trials, engineerin­g of a commercial scale plant, and to hire additional staff to facilitate growth, refinement, and commercial­ization of the company’s biographen­e admixtures which offer ‘practical and economical means to reduce the carbon footprint of concrete.’

“This financing milestone is a major victory for the alterBiota team and our committed partners,” Mark Masotti, co-founder and CEO of alterBiota, said in a statement.

“I was raised in the constructi­on industry and have always felt compelled to make it as sustainabl­e as it can be while delivering real value to customers. With this injection of capital, we’ll be able to take meaningful steps towards making that vision a reality.”


In May 2021, Masotti told the Cape Breton Post he first looked within his native Ontario for a place to set up shop but couldn’t find the right fit.

Then, after a Nova Scotiabase­d investor suggested he relocate to the east coast, he learned of the opportunit­ies available at the Verschuren Centre at Cape Breton University.

“We did our proof of concept work and got ourselves organized corporatel­y, and then we needed to find a home to take this to the next step,” he told the Post in 2021.

“We wanted to start producing larger batches so we can hand them over to our industrial partners, who are already there and are interested in our product. We just needed a way to start producing enough to start testing it with them.”

Invest Nova Scotia and BDC Capital’s Climate Tech Fund anchored the financing round with strategic investment­s of $1.5 million each, according to a news release.

This is the organizati­on’s second investment in alterBiota, having also participat­ed in the company’s pre-seed equity financing.

BDC Capital’s Climate Tech Fund invests in climate technology firms demonstrat­ing high potential to grow into global champions and deliver significan­t greenhouse gas reductions.

An additional $1 million was raised from private investors.

“Bioeconomy businesses, such as alterBiota, are making the most of our capital as well as intensive infrastruc­ture unique in North America, like Nova Scotia's Verschuren Centre's shared-use bioprocess­ing facilities, and locally available feedstock,” Jennifer Fuccillo, Investment Principal, Invest Nova Scotia, said in a statement,

“We’re excited to support alterBiota through their next phase of growth.”

People looking to join alterBiota can check the career section of the company’s website (

 ?? CAPE BRETON POST FILE ?? In May 2021, alterBiota co-founder, president and CEO Mark Masotti talked to the Cape Breton Post about moving the biotech firm to Cape Breton to take advantage of the opportunit­ies at the Verschuren Centre for Sustainabi­lity in Energy and the Environmen­t.
CAPE BRETON POST FILE In May 2021, alterBiota co-founder, president and CEO Mark Masotti talked to the Cape Breton Post about moving the biotech firm to Cape Breton to take advantage of the opportunit­ies at the Verschuren Centre for Sustainabi­lity in Energy and the Environmen­t.

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