Cape Breton Post



I'm writing in response to letters and columns in the Cape Breton Post regarding the proposed Cape Breton Regional Municipali­ty (CBRM) central library.

This subject has been on the radar for well over a dozen years and we seem to be no closer to a final decision.

One of the biggest problems from my perspectiv­e is the lack of public input on the subject. The last public meeting that I recall was over six years ago. This is unacceptab­le for a project of this size.

Recent CBRM council

meetings when the subject was discussed have been very disappoint­ing. There seems to be on the part of some to rush through the process before the fall municipal election.

I'm completely in disagreeme­nt with of this approach. Here we sit with a ‘lame duck’ council and already we have heard that the mayor and at least two councillor­s are not running in the next election. Are you willing to give this council the authority to make a decision on a new central library without public input? I feel that would be a wrong decision.

After more than 12 years, waiting a few more months until a new council is elected and receiving more input from voters seems the way to go. I urge CBRM citizens

to voice their concerns to the present council.

Also, some think it's a slam dunk to receive funding from other levels of government for this project. I feel this is not the case. Imagine looking for funds with no budget, etc. Well good luck with that.

As one CBRM councillor stated: “Let's get it right.” After all, a new central library will be a huge project that will affect us all for years to come. E. Barry Smith Sydney River

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