CBC Edition

Turpel-Lafond now claims her father was adopted from a Cree family

- Geoff Leo

After months of declining to directly answer CBC's questions about her fa‐ ther's parentage, Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond has now claimed in a state‐ ment on Twitter that her father, who she says was Cree, was adopted by her grandparen­ts.

For decades Turpel-La‐ fond, who has been consid‐ ered one of Canada's most ac‐ complished Indigenous schol‐ ars, has claimed that she is a Treaty Indian of Cree ances‐ try. She said she was Cree be‐ cause her father, William Turpel, was Cree.

A CBC investigat­ion pub‐ lished earlier this week called those claims into question.

CBC asked Turpel-Lafond how her dad could be Cree when her grandparen­ts, the people who raised her father, were of European and Ameri‐ can ancestry.

She refused to answer the question directly, in‐ stead hinting at family se‐ crets.

"My dad was born during my grandfathe­r's time at Nor‐ way House. I was raised to not embarrass, shame or cause harm to families, and not to interfere," she wrote in an email to CBC. "I respect my parents and all members of my family and I will never call anyone out. Growing up we did not question biological parentage."

While Turpel-Lafond de‐ clined to say who she thought her fathers parents were, her sister Melinda Turpel offered her thoughts to CBC in a phone interview.

She said it was possible that her dad was the product of an affair between her grandfathe­r and a Cree woman. But she said the more likely scenario is that he was adopted.

"I believe [William Nichol‐ son and Eleanor Turpel] were not his parents. They just took care of him and raised him like he was their own," she said, adding that she thought her sisters would agree with her.

In Turpel-Lafond's Friday statement on Twitter she said her grandparen­ts "adopt‐ ed my father, who they knew to be a Cree child from Nor‐ way House, although this was not done in a formal manner."

This claim by Turpel-La‐ fond is difficult to reconcile with historical documents CBC uncovered.

A July 24, 1929, newspaper announceme­nt published in the Victoria Daily Times said her grandparen­ts, "Dr. and Mrs. W. N. Turpel of Norway House, Manitoba," had given birth to a son. A March 27, 1932, baptismal record says the child born in Victoria was William Turpel.

Wilfrid Laurier University history professor Mark Humphries told CBC the dis‐ covery of these two indepen‐ dent documents would make it seem unlikely that the Turpels adopted William.

"It's pretty unequivoca­l that Eleanor was the mother of William Turpel, at least from the records I've seen," said Humphries.

Turpel-Lafond also told CBC that a Cree woman had adopted her dad from her grandparen­ts, the opposite of what she is now claiming.

"The midwife, Mary Clarke, adopted my dad," wrote Turpel-Lafond in an email to CBC. "She had lost a son and she ended up taking on my dad as her son." She claimed Clarke and her grandfathe­r, Dr. Turpel, "were very close."

Turpel-Lafond has also claimed to be a Treaty Indian, but she has consistent­ly de‐ nied CBC's requests to see her Indian status card and wouldn't even indicate if she has one.

Indigenous leaders like Michelle Good, a retired lawyer and author from the Red Pheasant Cree Nation, have called for Turpel-Lafond to be transparen­t.

"If she says that she in fact knows that there is Indigenous ancestry, then for the people that she claims to love and support and to dedicate her life to, she should bring that [evidence] forward, she should bring that publicly out," said Good.

Over the past few years in this country, Indigenous scholars and leaders have raised concerns that a grow‐ ing number of non-Indigenous people have been claim‐ ing Indigenous ancestry and receiving benefits that were set aside for Indigenous people.

In her statement Friday, Turpel-Lafond said, "although I often work in the fields of In‐ digenous justice and child welfare, I have never been awarded a position on an af‐ firmative action basis... I have been clear in my work that I do not speak for any First Nation as I am a private citizen, not an elected Chief or leader."

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