CBC Edition

This 100-year-old Quebecer is still volunteeri­ng in his community and has no plans to stop

- Rachel Watts

Sitting on his couch in his family home where he has lived alone for upward of 15 years, Louis Pagé let out a laugh thinking about how his friends and family con‐ sistently check in to "make sure that I'm still alive."

"I forget about my age un‐ til somebody reminds me," Pagé said with a chuckle. "All the neighbours are good to me."

On Feb. 22, he celebrated his 100th birthday with a party of 70 neighbours and friends. But the native of Brome Lake, Que., in Que‐ bec's Eastern Townships, says he has no plans to slow down.

He's been working with the Brome Lake Food Bank since the 1980s and later be‐ came the treasurer. Pagé has also been involved with Meals on Wheels and says he's still available to deliver food, if needed.

A fixture of his commu‐ nity, Pagé says he plans on continuing his volunteer work - until he can't.

"It gets me out … Some‐ times you meet people and you have a little visit and I en‐ joy it," said Pagé.

Gary Crandall, who's the co-ordinator at the food bank and Meals on Wheels in Lac Brome and West Bolton and also Pagé's neighbour and cousin, says Pagé also took on the treasurer's role in the 90s.

"He keeps a mean set of books, let me tell you, And every cent is accounted for and the bills come in and they're paid pronto. There's no fooling around."

'Here he is at 100, deliv‐ ering meals,' says neigh‐ bour

Crandall says Pagé is cer‐ tainly their oldest driver and has been willing to drive far‐ ther than some other volun‐ teers.

He says sometimes, Pagé's age has come as a surprise to some elderly clients - many of whom are actually quite a bit younger than him.

"They laugh at him quite a bit because here he is at 100, delivering meals to these other people," said Crandall.

He says approachin­g his birthday, Pagé got a bit ner‐ vous about renewing his li‐ cence - he had to take a med‐ ical exam and have his eye‐ sight tested a month before his 100th birthday.

"The doctor said in spite of my age I can still drive," said Pagé.

He says his days generally consist of reading the paper, stopping by the bank to make deposits for the food bank and balancing the books - all by hand.

"I enjoy it because I enjoy handling somebody else's money," said Pagé with a chuckle. "One of these days, unfortunat­ely, I'll have to give it up."

He says his treasurer role gives him purpose especially as the organizati­on aims to serve people in the town‐ ships who are elderly, sick, or alone.

"It helps a lot of people," said Pagé. "Keeps me busy."

LISTEN | Louis Pagé says volunteeri­ng keeps him en‐ gaged with his community:

Aida Wilms, 82, helped or‐ ganize a surprise party for Pagé with friends and neigh‐ bours in a room at the local convenienc­e store on Feb. 22.

Wilms was best friends with Pagé's wife until she died. Wilms, who is also wid‐ owed, says now she and Pagé look out for each other.

She says Pagé has always been a support, ever since she first arrived in Canada from the Philippine­s, 40 years ago.

"He always helped me," said Wilms.

Reflecting on her own age, Wilms laughed thinking about Pagé's achievemen­t.

"I'm not going to have a letter from the Governor General or King Charles III," chuckled Wilms. "I don't think I could reach 100."

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