CBC Edition

Her husband was a victim of anti-Muslim hate in India. A research group warns it's on the rise

- Salimah Shivji

As she scrolled through countless wedding photos on her phone, looking at the smiling face of her hus‐ band who was killed last September in communal clashes, Ayesha Hasan Shikalgar couldn't help but smile back at him through her pain.

"He was always joking and laughing," said Ayesha, 30. "Now, the void in my life can never be filled."

It started as a normal Sun‐ day, she said, with the young couple hosting a house‐ warming party that day to celebrate the renovation­s they had done in preparatio­n for the birth of their first child. In the evening, her hus‐ band, Nurul Hasan Shikalgar, went to the local mosque for prayer, as he always did. He never came home. "The wound is so deep and the trauma is so strong," Ayesha said, in an interview several months after her hus‐ band's death. "People say time heals all wounds, but for me, it's the opposite. It keeps getting worse."

Locals in Pusesavali, a vil‐ lage in the western Indian state of Maharashtr­a's Satara district, said the violence erupted late that evening, when an angry Hindu mob burst through the streets of the town, eventually entering the mosque, brandishin­g metal rods and sticks.

"They were throwing stones at our door," said lo‐ cal shopkeeper Shakira Bag‐ wan, who runs a chicken stall near the mosque.

Bagwan and her family locked themselves inside only peering out of a small hole to see where the crowd was going.

Some in the mob kept yelling at her family to open the shop's door, "so they could attack," she said. "They were screaming abuses and anti-Muslim slurs at us."

She said her son was at the mosque when the mob entered and was one of 10 people injured. Nurul, a 31year-old-engineer, sustained deadly blows to the head.

In the early hours of the morning, Ayesha got the news that her husband had been killed.

"I was in complete shock. My mind just stopped," she said. She was six months pregnant at the time.

Violence in India's rich‐ est state

The attack was one of 41 inci‐ dents of communal tension and violence in Maharashtr­a, India's richest state, between January and October 2023, tracked by the Washington­based research group India Hate Lab (IHL).

According to the group's data, Maharashtr­a saw the highest concentrat­ion of ral‐ lies and gatherings featuring hate speech against minori‐ ties last year: 118 out of the 668 events the researcher­s documented across India.

In Pusesavali, the scars from the violence were still prevalent in January, months after the incident. A mass of mangled and burnt motorcy‐ cles sat outside the mosque's door, and there was a police officer stationed nearby at all times, in light of the commu‐ nal clashes.

Witnesses said several Muslim shops were also van‐ dalized. Police reports have been filed over the incident, and authoritie­s are investi‐ gating.

"My son was innocent," Nurul's mother, Jaibunnisa Liyakat Shikalgar, told CBC News, breaking down in tears. "There was no reason for this to happen."

She said every day is painful to get through be‐ cause of "the fear of this [vio‐ lence] happening again."

Many hate speech even‐ ts in BJP-ruled states

According to a report re‐ leased in February by IHL, In‐ dia saw a large increase in hate speech in 2023, with a 62 per cent rise in the second half of the year.

"What we are witnessing is a huge wave of anti-Mus‐ lim hate speech," said the group's founder, Raqib Hameed Naik.

"There were 668 hate speech events throughout 2023, and 75 per cent of those events took place in states ruled by the BJP," Naik said, referring to the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party, led by Indian Prime Minister Naren‐ dra Modi.

The BJP also holds the most seats in Maharashtr­a's state legislatur­e, but rules as part of a fragile coalition.

Nearly half of the events the report tracked - 46 per cent - were organized by Hindu nationalis­t organiza‐ tions.

In an interview with Al Jazeera, Prem Shukla, a BJP spokespers­on, accused IHL of bias.

He alleged that other sec‐ ular states are targeting the Hindu majority community with hate speech, and said the members of IHL "have sworn to destroy the BJP."

In the lead-up to India's general elections, which will stretch from April 19 to June 4, Naik and his volunteer re‐ searchers are prepared to be busier than usual.

"We expect a steep rise in hate speech events" this spring, he said.

Along with IHL, Naik runs the website Hindutva Watch, which similarly tracks inci‐ dents of religiousl­y moti‐ vated violence across India. Both groups were blocked online in the country earlier this year, Naik said, at the government's request.

Hindutva is an extremist political ideology that pushes the idea of Hindu supremacy in India, even though secular‐ ism is enshrined in the coun‐ try's constituti­on.

WATCH | Breaking down the communal violence in Maharashtr­a:

The rallies tend to stick to similar themes, including de‐ bunked conspiracy theories targeting India's Muslim pop‐ ulation, such as what some have termed "love jihad," which accuses Muslim men of wooing Hindu women in order to convert them.

Other versions Naik has tracked include "land jihad, halal jihad [and] spit jihad," the researcher said, all "cre‐ ated to demonize and gener‐ ate hate and fear against

Muslim minorities living in the country."

BJP MLAs are involved

At a February 2023 rally in Latur, a city in eastern Maha‐ rashtra, a BJP MLA from Telangana state told the large crowd that had gathered that if they found "any love ji‐ hadis, cow killers or ones who convert your religion, those [anti-Muslim slur] should be killed."

"In our land, Maharashtr­a, no love jihadi should be alive," T. Raja Singh said.

Singh has frequently been charged with inciting hate, and was briefly suspended by the BJP, though that was revoked ahead of his state's elections.

At another rally in Mum‐ bai earlier this month, Nitesh Rane, a BJP member of Ma‐ harashtra's legislativ­e assem‐ bly, called for a boycott of Muslim vendors and floated the idea of impunity for any‐ one committing a crime against Muslims.

"The government is with you," Rane said at the rally. "Do what you need to do for the Hindu religion."

For some observers, it's not just overt hate speech, which is easier to track, that's an issue.

Hate has started to seep into popular culture, ac‐ cording to journalist and au‐ thor Kunal Purohit, with songs and poems devoted to attacking India's minority communitie­s garnering mil‐ lions of views.

"The Hindu right wing has realized that hate doesn't have to be a boring political speech," said Purohit, who recently released the book HPop: The Secret World of Hin‐ dutva Popstars.

"Hate can be entertaini­ng. It can be an everyday affair, where it goes under the radar."

He said the songs, which feature catchy beats con‐ stantly playing in the back‐ ground, pack a dangerous message.

"The message is the same: that Muslims are a threat to India … and that the threat must be acted upon.

"They goad the listener in‐ to action mode."

'It feels like anything could happen'

For Ayesha Hasan Shikalgar, still struggling to process how her life has changed, it doesn't matter what sparked the hate that spilled onto the streets of her town and killed her husband.

She has since given birth to a baby girl named Ash‐ noor, whom her late hus‐ band will never know.

"We had never seen an in‐ cident like that [in Pus‐ esavali]," she said. Most of her community fears more violence will follow.

"It feels like anything could happen.

"Now, there is a divide be‐ tween Hindus and Muslims."

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