CBC Edition

Yamnuska Wolfdog Sanctuary hopes to expand as 15 new additions settle in

- Rachel Maclean

Fourteen wolf-dogs and one coy-dog - a coyote-dog cross - are getting used to their new home in the shadows of the Rocky Mountains.

They came from a breed‐ ing kennel on Vancouver Is‐ land. The Warmland Wolf Kennel was closing down op‐ erations and needed help finding a home for the partly wild animals.

Being the only non-profit of its kind in Canada, the Yamnuska Wolfdog Sanctu‐ ary west of Calgary stepped in.

"There was a wolf-dog breeder and he was basically closing down his operation. He had reached out to us to see if we'd be able to assist," operations manager Alyx Harris told CBC News. "So we kind of sprung to action and tried to kind of figure out a plan of how we were logisti‐ cally going to take in all these animals."

Harris says it was quite the feat moving their 15 new residents over the period of two months, as it's a lot dif‐ ferent rescuing wolf-dogs as compared to domestic dogs kept as pets.

6 new enclosures com‐ ing

"It's been quite the whirl‐ wind, but we've got all of these new guys here at the sanctuary all in temporary containmen­t at the moment and kind of coming into the warmer season here of the spring, summer, fall, we're looking at building six new enclosures for to account for all these new guys here," she said.

They had to make two trips: the first in December that focused on ones with less wolf content that were easier to catch, and the sec‐ ond for the more wild ani‐ mals with a "difficult side." They also had to convince these animals that don't like small spaces to get into crates for the journey.

The second batch arrived right before Alberta's cold snap in January - a bit of shock for the dogs used to Vancouver Island weather that still had shaved bellies from being spayed and neutered.

"So we had to very quickly figure out where we were going to put these animals because most of the time they just go right out outside because that's where they're most happy and most com‐ fortable," said Harris.

"But everyone's doing re‐ ally well and everyone's start‐ ing to really settle in and we're starting to get to see a lot of their personalit­ies come out."

Wolf-dog breeding is legal in many parts of Canada, and Harris says it's really hard to keep track of "backyard breeders."

"The thing with wolf-dogs is that they categorize them into three different cate‐ gories of low-, mid- or highconten­t and that refers to how much wolf content is in them," she said. "So the more wolf content, the more they're going to behave like a wolf and the more that they're not going to behave like a pet."

Fundraisin­g campaign coming soon

In Alberta, it's legal to have a high-content wolf-dog despite the challenges they present. Harris says that can lead some people to surren‐ der the animals after they re‐ alize "they're no longer able to keep them."

Then there are ones like their coy-dog, Wildfire, who are not fans of human inter‐ action.

"I think a lot of people get them thinking that they're going to have this animal that, you know, you can go on hikes and you can sit on the couch and cuddle with them," said Harris, adding walking on leash can be quite difficult. "That's not really their true nature as far as things that they would enjoy doing."

The sanctuary hopes to launch a fundraisin­g cam‐ paign soon to help with the costs of their six new twoacre enclosures as the ground thaws, as one alone can cost roughly $65,000. The fee for visiting the centre and its 57 residents also goes toward their care.

"If they don't come to us, a lot of times the answer for them is sadly that they are euthanized," said Harris.

"So we're really passion‐ ate about the work that we get to do and we're really grateful for the work we get to do with having supporters that help to support this cause."

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