CBC Edition

How an exhibit of Mi'kmaw handwoven baskets connects to climate change

- Nancy Russell

A Mi'kmaw elder weaving handmade baskets is the latest climate artist-in-resi‐ dence at the Canadian Cen‐ tre for Climate Change and Adaptation in St. Peter's Bay, P.E.I.

Francis Jadis has been making baskets since his childhood on Lennox Island.

Now his baskets - made of wisqoq, or black ash - are the focus of an exhibit called Wisqoq, The Basket Tree, on display until May 7.

"I think a basket is a great metaphor for climate change and adaptation because it's been harvested for millennia by Mi'kmaq for basket-weav‐ ing, canoe-making and many more things," said Alexis Bul‐ man, curator of the basket exhibit and artistic director at the centre.

"But the tree itself - the black ash - its population is diminishin­g on this island be‐ cause of climate change stressors. And so not only is that black ash tree at risk here, but then so is the tradi‐ tion that's connected to it."

For someone like Jadis, the reduced number of black ash trees means travelling further to find the materials that keep the basket-weaving tradition alive for future gen‐ erations, Bulman said.

"The basket has every‐ thing to do with climate change and adaptation," she said, "because we're seeing the effects of it in real-time."

The exhibition includes photos of Jadis and his family, as well as a basket woven decades ago by his parents.

Including those artifacts shows that basket-weaving is a shared piece of tradition and culture, Bulman said.

"It conveys a family, a community," she said. "Be‐ cause basket-weaving isn't something that is just done by one person."

Endangered tree

During the exhibit's run, Jadis will travel to the climate centre on Fridays from his home on Abegweit First Na‐ tion in Scotchfort, P.E.I. Any baskets that he creates are added to the display.

Jadis said he started helping his parents when he was about six or seven. His jobs were to clean the floor, take shavings to the burn pile and help his father get wood.

Today, Jadis travels to New Brunswick and northern Maine in search of wisqoq for his baskets. He said he has friends with farms who allow him to harvest the black ash along their fields.

In 2019, he brought back 3,000 to 4,000 seedlings from Maine and gave them to the provincial nursery at Upton, which started growing them.

Jadis took 35 of the wisqoq to plant, and the rest went across the Island.

"I know we used to have ash here on the Island at one time, and it's about time somebody brought them back," Jadis said.

"The black ash seedling, they grow every seven years so 2019 was the year that they were growing, so 2026 is the next time I'll be heading over."

Jadis said he's worried about changing weather pat‐ terns that have encouraged the spread of the emerald ash borer.

"They're killing off the trees and the ash trees, espe‐ cially in Ontario and Quebec, and they're heading this way," Jadis said.

"They're not on the Is‐ land," he said, then added, "Probably just don't have enough money to get across the bridge."

Jadis said he keeps an eye out for the deadly pest on the wisqoq.

"We want to take care, take care of the Island, I'm trying my best," Jadis said.

"I teach a lot of youth and elders how to make baskets. Now they're getting back into it, and I hope they just keep it up."

Making the connection Bulman said many Is‐ landers have hand-woven baskets in their homes, and she hopes seeing the baskets being woven in person will help visitors to the exhibit make the connection to cli‐ mate change.

She also hopes it will spark questions among visi‐ tors about what they can do to be stewards of the envi‐ ronment so that the black ash tree can flourish.

There's a peace in watch‐ ing someone who's so skilled weave a basket, and all of the the knowledge that process holds. -Alexis Bulman, cura‐ tor

"I believe wholeheart­edly that art can make a differ‐ ence in helping communitie­s heal from climate grief," Bul‐ man said.

"There's a peace in watch‐ ing someone who's so skilled weave a basket and all of the the knowledge that process holds. And I think it can give you hope."

About the exhibit Wisqoq, The Basket Tree includes many local re‐ sources that have been cre‐ ated about the wisqoq on P.E.I., including projects that are mapping, planting and monitoring black ash. There are also educationa­l activities for kids, including a colouring book and a scavenger hunt.

It is presented by Creative P.E.I., with Indigenous P.E.I. as a community partner and fi‐ nancial support from the province's Climate Challenge Fund.

Island schools can book field trips from April 22-26 to visit the exhibition and take part in related workshops.

The art gallery is open to the public every Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m..

Admission is free.

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