CBC Edition

NATO at 75: Is Canada losing its grip on the world's greatest military alliance?

- Murray Brewster

Inarguably bigger and more seasoned than it was when it was born from the ashes of the Second World War, the North Atlantic Treaty Organizati­on - the West's great military al‐ liance - celebrated a mile‐ stone Thursday: threequart­ers of a century of keeping the peace in Eu‐ rope.

NATO formally came into being with the signing of the Washington Treaty in the U.S. capital 75 years ago, when 12 western democracie­s - in‐ cluding Canada - banded to‐ gether against what they saw as Soviet Russia's expansion‐ ism in Europe.

Its creation helped to in‐ augurate the Cold War and, six years later, brought about the creation of the rival Warsaw Pact of communist countries, led by the Soviet Union.

The contest between those two alliances brought the world to the brink of nu‐ clear war on several occa‐ sions, notably in October 1962 and November 1983.

NATO now faces multiple external and internal chal‐ lenges - ranging from a resur‐ gent Russia to the possibilit­y of Donald Trump regaining the White House and pulling the United States out of the alliance.

Canada was one of the founding members of NATO and pushed at the time to make it a political and economic forum as well as a military alliance.

But while Canada still con‐ tributes to and plays impor‐ tant roles within NATO, Ot‐ tawa has appeared increas‐ ingly off-side with its NATO allies on the political and policy issues of defence spending and preparatio­n.

That has led some allies and critics to wonder whether Canada's influence inside NATO is on the wane.

Sweden as the model NATO nation

There are more voices around the table now, bring‐ ing with them a new dy‐ namic. Sweden's accession to NATO after two centuries of neutrality offers a good ex‐ ample of that.

Formally admitted in Feb‐ ruary, the Nordic country, with one-quarter of Canada's population, came through the door with a wellequipp­ed military threequart­ers the size of the Cana‐ dian military - proportion­ally larger, in other words. Sweden also has a firm plan to meet the alliance's nation‐ al benchmark for military spending - two per cent of GDP - and a well-organized civil defence structure.

Canada, meanwhile, struggles to recruit and man‐ age aging fleets of military equipment and hasn't even begun to wrap its head around civil defence pre‐ paredness and resilience in the face of war and unrest beyond our borders.

Gen. Wayne Eyre, the out‐ going chief of the defence staff, has used almost every one of his appearance­s be‐ fore House of Commons committees to warn about what might happen next on the internatio­nal stage, and to draw attention to the de‐ clining readiness of his own troops.

"I will tell you that the mil‐ itary we have today is not the military that we need for the threats that are appearing in the future," Eyre told the House of Commons commit‐ tee on public safety and na‐ tional security on Oct. 6, 2022.

WATCH: Gen. Wayne Eyre warns of 'deteriorat‐ ing' global security climate

With war raging in Ukraine, European NATO members are increasing­ly nervous. Some nations have reintroduc­ed conscripti­on and have directed the con‐ struction of bomb shelters.

"We need to understand, as a society, that war and fighting is not only some‐ thing of the military. I think a nation needs to understand that when it comes to a war, as we see in Ukraine, it is a whole-of-society event," said Dutch Admiral Rob Bauer, who heads the NATO Military Committee.

"The issue is that Russia has larger ambitions than Ukraine. We know that. And therefore, the alliance as a whole needs to be 'readier.'"

But Canadian military readiness has declined sub‐ stantially, as CBC News re‐ ported last month. If NATO declared an emergency to‐ morrow, only 58 per cent of army, navy and air force units designated to respond would be in any shape to do so.

An internal Department of National Defence presenta‐ tion shows that 45 per cent of Canadian military equip‐ ment set aside for the de‐ fence of Europe faces "chal‐ lenges" and is considered "unavailabl­e and unservice‐ able."

Canada's allies have taken notice, said the country's former ambassador to NATO.

"We won't get kicked out of NATO, but when you make a point at the North Atlantic Council table, your voice car‐ ries less weight because you need to put your money where your mouth is," said Kerry Buck. She said Canada's silence on how it plans to meet the organiza‐ tion's defence spending target is underminin­g its clout in the alliance.

Canada currently spends the equivalent of 1.38 per cent of its GDP on defence, putting it sixth from the bot‐ tom in a list of all 32 NATO members in terms of military spending.

Neither the governing Lib‐ erals nor the opposition Con‐ servatives have laid out firm plans to meet the target. Both parties have said only that Canada will work toward it.

The 'quadrant of shame'

The pressure on Canada has only increased since Trump vowed that, if he becomes U.S. president again, he would not protect NATO al‐ lies that don't meet the target and would encourage Russia to "do whatever the hell they want" to countries he considers delinquent.

"We're the only ally, the lone ally that sits in that quadrant of shame where we don't either meet the two per cent of GDP ... target and we don't meet the target of 20 per cent of our defence spending on research and developmen­t and equipment procuremen­t," said Buck.

"So it hits us politicall­y, it makes us a target when the whole alliance is rowing to‐ wards this goal of two per cent because they recognize that the world is a more dan‐ gerous place. And then there's Canada sitting there, not doing that."

It is a curious place for Canada to find itself. Liberal Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson helped to shape the alliance's founding charter to include a clause that made NATO more than just a mili‐ tary alliance but also a forum for political and economic di‐ alogue among like-minded allies.

University of Toronto his‐ torian Tim Sayle said that, given what Canada spent in blood and treasure in two world wars, the postwar gen‐ eration of political leaders in Ottawa was determined to ensure Canada had a say in matters of war and peace.

"In the late 1940s, with the possibilit­y of [another] war looming, Canadian offi‐ cials were not ready to leave that decision for war to oth‐ ers without at least having their say and trying to influ‐ ence things," he said.

"And so the Canadian ex‐ perience fighting alongside the Americans and the British and the Second World War had convinced them that sometimes Canadian wisdom should be a part of the con‐

versation, that Canadians needed to be at the table."

'No tanks, no trade'

Former Canadian diplomat Colin Robertson said Canada has for decades demon‐ strated an aptitude for navi‐ gating the political and economic waters at NATO and can do so again, even with a bigger alliance.

In the 1970s, detente with

Soviet Russia was in the air. A new Liberal government and a new generation had grown skeptical of NATO and had re‐ duced Canada's contingent in Europe. At the same time, the government of Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau was courting trade with West Ger‐ many under Chancellor Hel‐ mut Schmidt.

Schmidt forced Trudeau to reconsider his governmen‐ t's position on military spending, said Robertson.

"Schmidt said to Trudeau, 'No tanks, no trade,'" he said.

"And so at that point," he added, "Pierre Trudeau says, 'OK, this NATO really does have value.'" And he boosted the defence budget and bought German Leopard tanks.

"We sometimes this," Robertson said.

Retired general Ray Henault, a former chief of the defence staff, said Canada's clout at NATO has often de‐ rived from what it con‐ tributes in troops and equip‐ forget ment, rather than what it spends on defence. He pointed out that Canadian troops spent more than 12 years in Afghanista­n, much of the time under the NATO flag.

Its leadership and on‐ going efforts to build a NATO brigade in Latvia to deter possible future Russian at‐ tacks is a another good ex‐ ample of what Canada still brings to the NATO table, he said.

The political and econom‐ ic dialogue about Canada's contributi­on is still impor‐ tant, said Henault, but it's not everything.

"I still support that NATO target, but I don't think it de‐ tracts from the respect and the high regard which Cana‐ da and its military has held in the NATO forum, not by any means," said Henault, who served as Canada's last head of the NATO Military Commit‐ tee in the early 2000s.

WATCH: How Canada lost its NATO edge

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