CBC Edition

'I'm not alone': Sixties Scoop survivors gather in Winnipeg to reconnect, heal


It's been a lifetime since Leticia Racine was taken from her home and placed into foster care, but she still remembers what it felt like to not know where she belonged.

"It was about identity, I didn't know who I was," said Racine, who was born in Portage la Prairie, Man., in 1976 and was taken into fos‐ ter care six weeks later.

Racine was among hun‐ dreds of Sixties Scoop sur‐ vivors who attended a Win‐ nipeg conference on Sunday to share their stories, recon‐ nect with their communitie­s and access support.

The event, hosted by the Southern Chiefs' Organiza‐ tion and the Anish Corpora‐ tion - which promotes health, wellness and emotional sup‐ port for Indigenous peoples is welcoming survivors from across Canada and from the U.S.

"When we get together, we understand each other, and it feels like home," Rac‐ ine said.

The government's re‐ moval of Indigenous children from their homes during the late 1950s to the 1980s, and their adoption into non-In‐ digenous families, is known as the Sixties Scoop.

Angie Hutchinson, who runs a healing program through the SCO, said the event not only brings sur‐ vivors together to heal, but also draws the public's atten‐ tion to the impact the Sixties Scoop had on families and communitie­s.

"I think that some folks might be aware of it but might not understand really the impacts of what that ex‐ perience was of being re‐ moved from your family, your community, and that disconnect­ion from your cul‐ ture, your language, your family supports," she told CBC News at the conference.

Racine said by the time she was six months old, she had been in six different fos‐ ter homes.

She later became the cen‐ tre of a lengthy legal battle between her foster parents, biological mother and Long Plain First Nation after her foster family filed to adopt her. The Supreme Court of Canada ruled in favour of the adoptive family in 1983.

She continued struggling with her identity as she grew up, and in her early 20s, she finally found out which First Nation she was from.

"It wasn't until I connected to my community, and I started asking the questions, 'Who am I?', ' Where am I from?' … that I started to de‐ velop and get those an‐ swers," said Racine.

After that, she said she could finally begin to heal.

'Still hurtful, still painful'

For survivor Marilyn De‐ meria, that feeling of connec‐ tion at Sunday's event is something she can lean on.

"Knowing that I have family here … that love me and support me is very, very, very calming and peaceful. I'm not alone," said Demeria, who lives in Winnipeg.

Demeria said she's spent a lot of her life living in shame and anger after she was taken from her family, but she hopes to find peace one day.

"[It's] still hurtful, still painful," she said. "I was stolen right out from under my dad's arms."

Sunday's conference, which was held at Hilton Win‐ nipeg Airport Suites, included healing activities and keynote speakers, who talked about trauma, grief and supports for survivors, a press release on the event says. It also of‐ fered access to mental health and cultural supports

The conference continues into Monday.

Eva Wilson Fontaine, the Anish Corporatio­n's executive director, said the conference is also a chance for people to learn the meaning behind some Indigenous practices.

"It really is about a sense of coming home, acknowl‐ edging those children that were taken, not at their choice," she said.

"It's likely important to all of these adoptees that are coming about knowing who they are, where they come from."

Racine encouraged other survivors to reach out to their communitie­s.

"It's safe to come home now," she said. "There's al‐ ways been a place for you."

"Start with 'Who am I? Where do I come from? Where am I going, and what is my purpose?' and those answers will come to you."

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