
How to Find Relief from Your Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

What is seasonal allergic rhinitis, what are the most common symptoms and how do you get relief?


As the heat of summer cools off and we greet the refreshing crisp air of fall, we also notice the other signs of the season—itchy eyes, runny nose, non-stop sneezing—and these are far less welcome. These symptoms affect at least 20 percent of Canadians every year, says Dr. Jean-Nicolas Boursiquot, a Quebec City–based allergist and associate clinical professor at Laval University. Despite being so common, seasonal allergies tend to be underdiagn­osed, Dr. Boursiquot notes. “This type of allergy can affect your quality of life and even cause other problems, like disrupted sleep due to nasal congestion, but there are effective ways to get relief,” he says. We sat down with Dr. Boursiquot to better understand seasonal allergies, how to tackle the most common symptoms and what you can do when you’ve tried everything but are still suffering.

When does allergy season start?

Seasonal allergies fall into three categories: spring allergies, which can begin as early as March and last until June; summer allergies, which arrive in July and August; and fall allergies, which can last into November.

What are we most allergic to during allergy season?

In the spring, tree pollen, especially from birches and maples, is the biggest cause of seasonal allergic rhinitis. After that, those with seasonal allergies may find themselves allergic to grasses in the summer, and weeds, especially ragweed, in the fall.

How do you know if you have seasonal allergies or if your sneezing and runny nose are caused by a cold?

The common cold usually lasts for only three to four days while seasonal allergies last longer, sometimes weeks at a time. Colds are also often accompanie­d by a fever, and the nasal discharge tends to be green or yellow (allergies produce clear secretions).

What can you do to reduce allergy symptoms caused by ragweed?

If you have a runny nose, a sinus rinse can help clear the pollen that accumulate­s in the nasal tract. About twothirds of patients with seasonal allergies also experience red, watery eyes, in which case eye drops can help hydrate the eyes, clear the pollen and relieve itching. However, if you’ve tried to find relief on your own but are still suffering from symptoms, it’s better to talk to your doctor about how to best treat them.

What should seasonal allergy patients do if they’ve tried over-the-counter medication­s but are still suffering from symptoms?

Patients may do just fine with oral antihistam­ines and environmen­t control, such as keeping windows closed. But if that’s not working, they should ask their doctor about what treatments might work best for them, as every patient is different and experience­s different symptoms. There are newer, fast-acting medication­s that offer quick relief from runny nose and itchy eyes—the two most common symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis.

What should allergy sufferers ask when speaking to their doctor about their symptoms?

First, patients should share their symptoms with their doctor to see if they align with seasonal allergies, as opposed to a medical condition that may look like allergies, such as chronic sinusitis. Then, patients should ask about creating an action plan and find out what medication is most likely to work best for them. There are many treatment options available, like oral medication­s, nasal sprays and allergen immunother­apy, depending on each individual patient.

What are the benefits of topical (nasal) versus oral (pill) treatments?

Nasal corticoste­roids and combinatio­n nasal sprays (corticoste­roid and antihistam­ine spray) are effective at treating allergic rhinitis because they specifical­ly target the nose, as opposed to more general oral antihistam­ine pills. For my patients, I often recommend using their nasal spray at least two weeks before the time their allergic symptoms tend to start and then continue the medication on a daily basis until the usual end of their allergic period. But it starts with speaking to your doctor to determine an appropriat­e plan of action because not all allergy sufferers are alike.

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