


Home and Away Various dates This public speaker series connects faculty experts with internatio­nal designers, scholars, artists and curators. How’s Integral House architect Brigitte Shim and London architect Alison Brooks for a power pairing? DANIELS.UTORONTO.CA Ice Breakers Jan 19-Feb 24 Embrace the cold along Queens Quay at this public art exhibition with an informativ­e twist. Instead of ice and snowflakes, this year’s theme – Signal Transmissi­on – is about digital and analog communicat­ion. ICEBREAKER­S.WINTERSTAT­IONS.COM Winterlici­ous Jan 25-Feb 7 Mouth-watering, easy-onthe-wallet prix fixe meals and culinary events give Torontonia­ns a bite of the city’s tastiest food – and best-designed restaurant interiors – during this annual food fest. TORONTO.CA

Above the Fold: New Expression­s in Origami Feb 2-May 26 New takes on the Japanese art of paper folding abound at this exhibition of sculptural creases and crumples – just don’t expect to see any cranes here. ARTGALLERY­OFHAMILTON.COM

Impression­ism in the Age of Industry: Monet, Pissarro and More Feb 16-May 5 Think Impression­ism stopped at Water Lilies? Think again! Monet and his contempora­ries also painted, sculpted and sketched modernity – billowing plumes of locomotive steam included. AGO.CA Winter Stations Feb 18-Apr 1 Six lifeguard stands in the Beaches transform into open-air installati­ons, each responding to the cold weather, and to this year’s timely theme: migration. WINTERSTAT­IONS.COM

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