DINE and Destinations

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Shaped like a massive pear, the Nijisseiki Pear Museum introduces us to Tottori’s renowned, crisp and tropically sweet 20th Century pear. Labourinte­nsive harvests yield 800 pears per tree, and each one is hand wrapped while still on the branch! Sakaiminat­o is a town overrun by Japanese folklore monsters called Yōkai. One hundred bronze statues from the popular manga Gegege no Kitarō line the main street from the train station to the Mizuki Shigeru Museum that houses the author’s works. Cross stone footbridge­s into white-walled, red-tiled storehouse­s from the Edo and Meiji era in Kurayoshi. Sixty shops sell local goods and crafts. Some brew a variety of saké and soy sauces. Ever tasted soy sauce ice cream? It's an acquired taste. www.ilovejapan.ca

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