Edmonton Journal

On the leash of leading Edmontonia­ns



Mayor Stephen Mandel ... doesn’t have a pet.

Jane Batty ... has a cairn terrier named Winnie who she thinks of as her ‘grandpappy.’

Kim Krushell ... has two cats (siblings) named Rogue and Magnito. Mags survived an accidental tumble in the front-loading washing machine.

Bryan Anderson ... has a Belgian shepherd named Nichlaus.

Don Iveson ... has a one-eyed border terrier named Dougal. The dog lost an eye after he forgot to look both ways before crossing the street.

Linda Sloan ... has a dog named Shy whose breed is unknown.

Karen Leibovici ... is still grieving her 21-year-old cat, Boobie, who died in 2011.

Kerry Diotte ... has visiting rights to Hunter S. Tomcat, a cat who lives with Diotte’s former housemate.

Amarjeet Sohi ... has no pets.

Dave Loken ... has a Pomeranian named Harley and a Shih Tzu named Skyler.

Ben Henderson ... has two dogs — Balder, a Newfoundla­nd/golden retriever cross, and Kadin, a wire-haired pointing griffin


Theo Peckham ... has a pug named Tony Ramone.

Ryan Jones ... has a fox red Labrador named Bailey.

Devan Dubnyk, the team’s goalie ... has a golden retriever named Penny.


ESO music director Bill Eddins ... has a mutt named Harley, a cat named Tilt, two guinea pigs named Henrietta and Sushi, two hermit crabs named Mongo and Crab the Crab, an aquatic snail named Mr. Snail and three fish: Fish, Mr. Fish and Fishtail. The Eddins’ household is in Minneapoli­s. — and five cats: Asher, Cosmo, Oswin (the tripod), Harvest and one unnamed kitten that needs a home. Harvest appeared on a friends’ doorstep with the enigmatic note “keep cat moving.” In hindsight, Henderson thinks there was punctuatio­n missing between “cat” and “moving.”

Ed Gibbons ... used to have a husky named Nala. When his daughter moved out, so did Nala.

Tony Caterina ... is done with pets. His beloved cat, Candy, died two years ago.

 ?? Rick Macwilliam, The JOURNAL ?? Don Iveson and his one-eyed
border terrier, Dougal, 4.
Rick Macwilliam, The JOURNAL Don Iveson and his one-eyed border terrier, Dougal, 4.

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