Edmonton Journal


- by Bobby Wolff

“Worm, be with me. This is my hard time” -- Theodore Roethke .....................

What would you say declarer’s chances of making 11 tricks are in today’s deal? You appear to have a spade loser and maybe two trumps as well. If you fancy your chances, let’s up the ante a little: you are playing six hearts, not five, and the defenders lead the spade king to dummy’s ace. You lead a low heart to your king, finding the extremely bad news. Rather than give up, you decide to play on, cashing your side-suit winners, just to see what happens.

You try to take all four of your club winners, pitching spades from the board, and fortunatel­y, East has to follow suit to all of them. Next come the three top diamonds, and again both defenders follow suit dutifully. You have reduced to a four-card ending with three trumps and a losing spade in each hand.

Next comes the spade loser. West tries to win the trick, but to his disgust, East has to ruff his partner’s winner. In the three-card ending, East is reduced to the J-10-7 of hearts. Since a low heart play would be immediatel­y fatal, East must exit with a top heart. Declarer wins in dummy and runs the heart nine, winning the last two tricks. Contract made!

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