Edmonton Journal

Albertans least likely to get steamy in the shower

- Thandi Fletcher

Albertans are the least likely of all Canadians to get intimate with a partner in the shower, a new survey finds.

The poll, conducted by Ipsos-reid on behalf of the Canadian Institute of Plumbing and Heating, found 41 per cent of Albertans admit to having sex in the shower.

“I think it’s maybe sort of that Alberta small-c conservati­ve modesty coming through, which is interestin­g because Alberta is such a young province,” said Ipsos-reid pollster Sean Simpson.

“There’s a lot of young people there, and young people are more likely to say that they’ve done this.”

Across the country, Albertans are significan­tly less likely than the majority of Canadians who, at 53 per cent, said they engage in the odd tryst in the tub.

Six per cent of Canadians said they do it often.

Meanwhile, Quebecers, at 58 per cent, are the most likely to occasional­ly engage in a suds-soaked seduction — “perhaps not surprising” as the French are often considered more “amorous” than others, said Simpson.

“In a roundabout way, I guess (Albertans) are a little bit more prudish than Quebecers, that’s for sure,” said Simpson, with a laugh.

Not far behind are Ontarians, at 55 per cent, and British Columbians, at 54 per cent, who both admit to fooling around in the foam from time to time.

Albertans are joined by their Prairie neighbours in their less-than-steamy shower behaviour.

Saskatchew­ans and Manitobans, at 46 per cent each, are the next least likely to take part in a sensual shower. Atlantic Canadians also tied with them at 46 per cent.

Younger Canadians between the ages of 18 and 34 were also more likely, at 69 per cent, to get sexy in the shower. Middle-aged Canadians, between 35 and 54, and those ages 55 and older were the least likely to participat­e in such an activity, at 54 per cent and 39 per cent.

Men, at 62 per cent, were more likely than women, at 44 per cent, to admit they had participat­ed in some lathered-up lovemaking.

“It sounds like many men might be repeat offenders,” Simpson joked.

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