Edmonton Journal

Gosling saves journalist from traffic


Is there anything Ryan Gosling can’t do? When he’s not too busy spawning Internet memes, being robbed of the Sexiest Man Alive title, dating Eva Mendes and breaking up street fights, the Canadian actor continues to make New York City a safer place, one heroic deed at a time.

The hunky actor played the hero —again — during a recent outing in the Big Apple.

British journalist Laurie Penny tweeted about how Gosling saved her from a harrowing, near-death experience.

“I literally, LITERALLY just got saved from a car by Ryan Gosling. Literally. That actually just happened,” Penny tweeted Tuesday. “I was crossing 6th avenue in a new pink wig. Not looking the right way because I am from London. Ryan Gosling grabbed me away from a taxi. … He did not say, ‘Hey, girl.’ He said, ‘Hey, watch out!’ ”

As if we needed more proof that Gosling was the hero in question, Penny also noted that her rescuer was sporting a Canadian tuxedo (a denim jacket and jeans).

She tweeted, “Confession: I did a double-double-take because, initially, I thought it was (Jed Weightman). Then realized Jed would not wear double denim.”

For her part, Penny seems to want to put the incident behind her. “EVERYBODY NEEDS TO CALM DOWN ABOUT RYAN GOSLING NOW,” she tweeted Wednesday morning, adding, “No seriously. My phone and email have been going crazy with media requests all night and all morning and it’s getting silly now.”

This isn’t the first time that the Canadian hunk has made the headlines for his heroic ways. Last August, a video of Gosling breaking up a street fight between an artist and an alleged thief went viral. He told MTV News at the time, “I’m embarrasse­d. … I should have just kept my nose out of it.”

 ??  ?? FRED THORNHILL, REUTERS Actor Ryan Gosling is in the spotlight once again, not for his acting chops, but for his real-life heroic deeds.
FRED THORNHILL, REUTERS Actor Ryan Gosling is in the spotlight once again, not for his acting chops, but for his real-life heroic deeds.

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