Edmonton Journal

Waiting until 67 for OAS means saving more

- Garr y Marr

Ididn’t make the cut. Count me among the unlucky Canadians who just had their date for collecting Old Age Security boosted from 65 to 67. Now, the question is how much do I really care and what does it mean to my retirement planning?

The federal budget released last month calls for the eligibilit­y age of OAS and the Guaranteed Income Supplement to increase from 65 to 67, over six years starting in April 2023. If you are 54 or younger, the government just grabbed about $13,000 in entitlemen­t from you, a significan­t but not massive amount when you consider it in 2012 dollars.

“You do need to save a bit more. You could probably put away another $45 to $50 a month and be covered for the difference,” says certified financial planner Ted Rechtshaff­en of Tridelta Financial about what someone like me in their 40s could do to compensate for the shortfall.

Mr. Rechtshaff­en says the bigger question is whether the income level when Old Age Security is clawed back will eventually be reduced. The maximum amount you can get per month from OAS is $540.12 but if individual net income is above $69,562, you must repay some of the OAS pension amount. The full pension is eliminated if you make more than $112,772.

“A t some point, they are bringing it down so that more people will get their OAS clawed back,” Mr. Rechtshaff­en predicts. “When I’m talking to someone now in their 40s who is in good financial shape, I suggest they just eliminate [factoring in] OAS [for budgeting]. Who knows in 25 years if OAS will fit in.”

The latest changes further entrench the hard reality that most of us working today will be still be in the labour force well past the old retirement age of 65. Even before the changes, the maximum OAS benefit of $540.12 plus the maximum Canada Pension Plan of $986.67 per month could hardly support anything other than a very meagre retirement.

It’s no wonder Canadians are working into their later years — you just can’t support your current lifestyle based on government retirement payments. Statistics Canada says the employment rate for men 55 or older was 30.5% in 1997 but climbed to 39.4% by 2010. For women the rate rose from 15.8% to 28.6% during the same period.

David Foot, an economist and author of the bestsellin­g Boom, Bust and Echo, says a more equitable way to increase the age for qualificat­ion would be to index the age of retirement to life expectancy. “It would gradually change as life expectancy goes up,” he says.

He does have sympathy for those on the margins who will get squeezed by the new rules and may not be physically or mentally capable of working until 67.

“There are two sides of me. From a policy point of view we should have indexed retirement to life expectancy a long time ago. Everybody would know what’s going on. The other side of me says I came to live in Canada because I thought it was a humane country and we worried about poor people, and what they rely on the most is OAS and GIS.”

One cannot minimize the impact on some people just getting by but for the most part, giving up two years of government payments probably is not a bad trade for a society that sees its citizens living much longer.

“Rising life expectancy stretches out our entire life. We live at home with our parents longer, adolescenc­e is stretched and so is our retirement,” says Mr. Foot, who notes in a recent paper that over a 30-year period from 1976 to 2006, the average number of years in retirement shot up from 16.4 to 23.4.

Craig Alexander, chief economist at Toronto-dominion Bank, says it only makes sense for eligibilit­y age to go up.

“You worr y about the small segment that is at the low end of the income scale but it is perfectly reasonable to raise the eligibilit­y by two years. Canadians are living longer and healthier lives. For the majority of Canadians it is not a big issue,” Mr. Alexander says.

Still, there is no denying the changes will require those of us who don’t make the age cut to save more or work more. It’s the price we pay for living longer.

Putting away an extra $45 or $50 will likely cover the difference from pushing OAS eligibilit­y to 67 from 65.
MARK BLINCH / REUTERS FILES Putting away an extra $45 or $50 will likely cover the difference from pushing OAS eligibilit­y to 67 from 65.
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