Edmonton Journal

Our actions count – TAKE BACK THE TAP!


Alberta’s tap water is fresh, clean, healthy and delicious, with some of the strictest quality requiremen­ts in Canada. It’s also environmen­tally friendly when we practice the three Rs: reduce, reuse and recycle. Reduce by reusing a refillable bottle rather than buying bottled water. It’s time to kick the bottle and take back the tap! Get into the habit by using a refillable water bottle.

At School

• Ignite action and develop young environmen­t leaders with the One Simple Act school program. • Conduct a water taste test and start a campaign to get all students and staff back to the tap. • Adopt the One Simple Act, “I commit to using a refillable water container every day.” Have everyone sign the pledge and post a big banner in the school as a reminder.

In Your Community

• Set out jugs of tap water during meetings instead of bottle water. • Use Environmen­t Week to start a community initiative to take back the tap and make it easier for people to access tap water and fill their reusable water bottles.

At Home

• Keep a jug of tap water in the fridge so you don’t have to run the tap for a cold drink. • Keep it clean – wash your refillable container regularly along with your dishes.

Do a Taste Test: Tap vs. Bottle

Organize a friendly taste testing of bottled and tap water. • Pour samples of water into different glasses labeling bottled water ‘A’ and tap water ‘B’. • Have tasters savour the sample and

choose their favourite taste. • Once everyone has had a chance to taste the water samples and choose a favourite, reveal the tap water. • No matter which choice wins, this is an opportunit­y to talk about the benefits of switching to tap water.

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