Edmonton Journal

Second chances always possible with God

- HAROLD GNIEWOTTA Harold Gniewotta is a retired Lutheran minister living in Edmonton and attending Ascension Lutheran Church. Offerings is your opportunit­y to express thoughts on religious issues. Submission­s up to 750 words can be submitted to religion@ e

“What are you going to do with your plant?” my wife, Elsie, asked. She was suggesting I throw it out. I had bought an African violet, and wanted to use it as a model for a watercolou­r painting. But before I got my picture painted, the petals had fallen off.

“Wait another day or two,” I begged. “Let’s give it a second chance. I’ll ask a florist for guidance.”

The florist was helpful. Two weeks later Elsie exclaimed, “Your African violet has buds and will be blooming shortly.”

Soon there were beautiful flowers smiling up at us. All the plant needed was a second chance.

The memory of that hardy African violet always reminds me that our Lord believes in giving people a second chance. Many readers may be familiar with the Bible story of Peter, one of the disciples of Jesus. Peter affirmed he was ready to go to prison and die with Christ, but he would never deny him. Not long after, that’s exactly what Peter did.

Later Peter tried to convince his accusers he did not even know Jesus. When the rooster crowed Peter remembered the Lord’s warning. Devastated, he ran out and wept.

Peter failed our Lord miserably, but Christ never stopped loving him. He asked Peter to continue caring for His flock. Peter consented and never looked back. He became a rock in the building of the New Testament Church. This happed only because Jesus gave Peter another chance.

Do you need a second chance? Talk to God about this often, and see where it goes.

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