Edmonton Journal

tHe aces on BriDge

- by Bobby Wolff

“Look in my face; my name is Might-have-been;

I am also called No-more, Too-late, Farewell.” -- Christina Rossetti ..................... The three bears came back from the duplicate club, and as they came through the door, Goldilocks could see that a free and frank exchange of views had been taking place. Tactfully, she waited until Papa Bear had a large glass of mead in front of him before asking how the game had gone.

In response, he produced the following 52-card diagram:

Against four hearts the defense led the spade jack, then 10, ruffed. Papa Bear drew trump, then took the diamond finesse and complained about his bad luck -- he would have made if trumps had been 3-3 or he could have played the diamond suit for three tricks without loss.

When Goldilocks consoled him for his bad luck, Mama chimed in that she thought she had been even unluckier. She ruffed the second spade and immediatel­y played the diamond ace and a diamond to the jack. Meanly, West won and played a third diamond, ruffed by East. There was still a club to lose.

At this point Baby Bear, who had been hopping up and down trying to get a word in edgewise, told Goldilocks how he had played the hand. He had pitched a club on the second spade, then ruffed the third spade, and had crossed to the heart ace to lead a diamond to the jack at once. Now he was safe, since he could ruff the fourth spade in dummy and cross to his club ace to draw trump.

ANSWER: Tempting as it might be to use Blackwood, you are a long way short of a decent slam if partner has a minimum hand. A simple raise to four diamonds is irreproach­able; you should also be able to bid four clubs as a cue-bid for diamonds. (If you had hearts and clubs you would just bid three no-trump now.) Either way, if partner does not cooperate, you can settle for five diamonds.

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