Edmonton Journal

What’s bugging you? What makes you happy? Tell us about it.

- Email your vents to venting@ edmontonjo­urnal.com edmontonjo­urnal. com To read more vents, go to facebook.com/EJVenting

Our nine-year-old grandson asked on Monday why the flags at his school were not at half staff.

People who commit acts such as the U.S. school shooting are clearly mentally ill and parents and society need to be more proactive in addressing warning signs. And the culture in the U.S. that allows easy access to guns needs to change.

To stop more shootings of innocents by crazed loners who never got any attention, don’t publish their names. These losers want notoriety and that’s the only way they can get it.

Could the media please give the broken families in Connecticu­t some privacy?

My wish for the shattered families in Connecticu­t would be no cameras, no intrusive interview demands, no teddy bear/candle/notes memorials left by complete strangers and no endless media rehashing of events. I am not hopeful.

Dear Generation X: I wish I could retire, and leave you my job. Sincerely, Baby Boomers.

Dear Generation X: We need to keep our jobs to pay for the likes of you. Sincerely, Baby Boomers.

Dear Generation X: I worked hard to get here. You can wait. Sincerely, Baby Boomers.

Dear Generation X: I’ll retire when you’re capable of doing my job, minus your attitude of entitlemen­t. Sincerely, Baby Boomers.

Paul McCartney tickets and samurai swords were among gifts to provincial politician­s. If anyone believes that such freebies do not influence the decision-making process by government­s, I have some swamp land in Florida for sale cheap.

So, have you finally figured out that having all-wheeldrive, anti-lock brakes and automatic traction control doesn’t make you invincible on winter roads? Slow down; the life you save may be your own.

Clean someone’s snow-covered licence plate and save them for a day. Let them get a ticket and save them for a lifetime.

I would be all in favour of the Idle No More campaign if it involved getting a job and contributi­ng to the cost of government services.

The garment-with-a-logo company didn’t force you to buy their item and don’t owe a thing to you for advertisin­g.

I’m curious as to why people drive around with stickers and plate covers of the auto dealership where they bought their vehicle. I assume they got a huge discount to provide this advertisin­g.

Mr. Merali, I have Bluetooth in my vehicle too and it works well. It did not cost $2,303 or even close to that. You also claim that you work 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Are you working when you are sleeping?

Dear Mr. Merali: Please be aware that $361,000 is 20 years of income for one senior citizen. I would hate to think of your expenses if there were no restraints.

A headline from the front page of the Journal suggests, “Few limits on bosses’ expenses.” Integrity should be an adequate limit.

The wishful thinkers behind the grandiose plans for the new arena area should remove their rose-coloured glasses and return to reality. Edmonton is too far off the beaten path for large corporatio­ns to locate here to fill those giant concrete and glass boxes.

I love the government’s changes to the Employment Insurance program. There are far too many who have taken advantage of the current program’s loopholes, many of whom I know personally. Having worked for 25 years and paid the maximum EI tax each of those years, I want my money to go to those who are truly deserving.

The Edmonton Police Associatio­n defends one employee urinating and taunting another. What don’t they defend?

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