Edmonton Journal

A year of political revival for Mason and the NDP


The Journal put five questions to NDP Leader Brian Mason on the province’s political scene in the last 12 months. Q. What was the high point in Alberta politics in 2012? A. I was very pleased that we were able to elect four MLAs. Our vote in the last election was 47 per cent higher than it was the previous election. We became an official party again in the legislatur­e, and that made a tremendous difference. Having David (Eggen) back and electing Deron Bilous are certainly highlights for me. Q. What was the low point? A. I think it was when Alison Redford was challenged about a potential conflict of interest and she chose not to tell the truth. I think that’s the low point. Q. What was your biggest accomplish­ment this year? A. After the 2008 election, where we lost two seats, we did a lot of soul searching and we looked at a number of things differentl­y. It’s easy to say it was everybody else’s fault, but when I looked back, I thought some of our policies were out of line with the thinking of most Albertans.

We’ve looked carefully at some of those policies. We’re supportive of balanced budgets. Our approach to the oilsands has changed. We are in favour of not just fair taxes, but also keeping Alberta’s tax structure competitiv­e. Q. What is the main thing you want to accomplish in 2013? A. What I want to accomplish is create a real alternativ­e to the Progressiv­e Conservati­ves, and that starts with holding them accountabl­e for their campaign promises. They — more than any other party that I’ve ever seen in an election in Alberta — bought the election by promising billions of dollars in things that they never had any intention of delivering. What I hope to do is not only show Albertans that, but also show that there is another way forward to accomplish many of those goals. Q. What is the future of leftof-centre political parties in Alberta? A. I said at the last convention that we need to broaden our outlook. We need to welcome people who may have backed a different horse but have the same principles.

As the only, if you will, leftof-centre party to make gains in the last election, we’re in a unique position. I’ve challenged the party to think of ways that we can be a comfortabl­e home for people who up until now may have backed Liberals or backed the Alberta party and are looking for a new home.

 ??  ?? Brian Mason
Brian Mason

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