Edmonton Journal

So, doc, just what do you do to control your weight?

Experts share their tips for healthy eating


Dr. Arya Sharma has a chocolate protein shake for breakfast every day, splashing out to scrambled or boiled eggs, cheese, bacon or sausage on weekends (hold the toast). For lunch, he generally looks for a protein load — lentil soup, chili or beef tacos.

Since he’s one of Canada’s leading obesity doctors, people ask Sharma for diet advice all the time.

With countless Canadians about to embark on a new year’s resolve to lose weight, Postmedia News asked four opinion leaders in obesity for their personal approach to healthy eating and living throughout the year.

Dr. Arya Sharma, professor of medicine and chair of obesity research and management at the University of Alberta: Breakfast: Chocolate protein shake weekdays. Eggs on weekends. Usually doesn’t load up on bread (“I don’t waste too much caloric space on the carbs.”) “I never used to be a breakfast person and then I started working in obesity and telling everyone to have breakfast, and I wouldn’t eat breakfast.” Lunch: High-protein soups, chili. Three to four pieces of fruit a day. Dinner: Usually home-cooked, often cold cuts and antipasti, European style. A glass of wine or two, sometimes a beer. Avoids dessert. Loves hot peppers — habaneros, ghost pepper, Thai red chili peppers. No meal without peppers or hot sauce. Physical activity: He’s tried running and gyms. “Doesn’t work for me. I simply don’t enjoy it — no runner’s high.” Instead, he walks everywhere. “Usual walking speed is twice as fast as anyone else.” Philosophy: “I’m sort of a higher-energy kind of guy, a fidgeter. I find it hard to sit still in meetings. I often get up and stand at the back of the room. I try to keep my weight constant. I try to come in under 2,000 calories most days. I rarely drink pop. I get on a scale at least once a week. If I’m up a pound or two, I’ll just cut back for a few days. Nothing drastic. No skipping meals or starving myself … But I watch the carbs.” Tips: At buffets, he uses the plates from the dessert section. In restaurant­s, he will often order two appetizers instead of one high-fat, high-calorie meal.

Dr. David Lau, professor of medicine, biochemist­ry and molecular biology and chair of diabetes and endocrine research group at the University of Calgary: Breakfast: Microwave one-third cup of oatmeal mixed with oat bran for two minutes, add two heaping tablespoon­s of ground flax seeds, a tablespoon of chia seeds, a few craisins and skim milk. A handful of almonds and mixed nuts with a piece of fruit for morning snack. Lunch: Homemade soup with a sandwich with cheese. Three to four pieces of fruit a day, usually one after each meal. Dinner: Small amount of meat, with veggies, rice or pasta. Physical activity: Weight exercise in the morning while waiting for cereal to heat up. Runs two or three times per week plus three hours a week in the gym. Philosophy: “I weigh 74 kilos with a BMI of 23 … I love food. I tell my patients that one big reason for me to exercise regularly is that I can enjoy eating. Exercise also helps manage my stress. The key is not to overindulg­e after exercise — a protein shake with orange juice or milk is a great way to curb appetite and replenish nutrient needs.” Tips: Mindful eating and keep the body and mind active.

Dr. Yoni Freedhoff, medical director of the Bariatric Medicine Institute and assistant professor at the University of Ottawa: Breakfast: Homemade protein shake: half-cup of pasteurize­d egg whites; half-cup lowest calorie, fruit-based yogurt he can find; half-cup skim milk; quarter-cup whole oats; one cup greens; half-cup frozen berries; one medium banana. Total calorie count: 476. Almonds for morning snack. Lunch: Usually leftovers from dinner the night before (somewhere between 400 and 600 calories) with fruit. Almonds again for afternoon snack. Dinner: “My wife’s a great cook. She makes virtually everything from scratch and I’m a very lucky man to usually have a meal ready for me when I get home.” Fish two or three times a week. Has some alcohol most nights. Sometimes a small serving (25 grams) of potato chips. Physical activity: Weightlift­ing twice a week for 45 minutes at a time; half-hour of interval training on the bike; running. Protein-based snack post exercise. Do what you can. Even short bursts of exercise have a cumulative beneficial effect on health. Philosophy: “I walk my talk. Every single thing I tell my clients and patients to do, I do myself. I keep a food diary. I weigh and measure my food. I eat frequent small meals throughout the day.” Tips: Include protein with every meal and snack (it helps with satiety). Avoid highly processed carbohydra­tes. Check the calorie count of favourite fast foods to make sure you’re not having far more than you thought.

Dr. Valerie Taylor, psychiatri­stin-chief of Women’s College Hospital in Toronto and obesity chair in mental health for the Canadian Obesity Network: Breakfast: Cereal, or boiled egg a couple of times a week. Lunch: Takes lunch from home at least three days a week — leftovers from the night before, salad and fruit or sandwich. Dinner: Always tries to eat before 7 p.m. “Calories consumed after 7 p.m. weigh more. Your metabolism has slowed down, your body is starting to prepare to go to sleep. Calories count for more.” Physical activity: Simple is best. “I like to run. You can do it whenever you have time. Running allows me to be a little more flexible, and you get the most bang for your buck.” Philosophy: “If I’m trying to prescribe a behavioura­l change, I never ask anybody to do something that I haven’t done myself … If things go badly with respect to diet, I kind of sit back and say, ‘OK, what’s happened?’ And usually the key is time. You didn’t have time to have breakfast, so you grabbed a muffin in the subway station … For me now, after having a baby, time becomes even more important in making sure I’m organized.” Tips: People get into trouble around the holidays. They tend to starve themselves during the day if they know they have a party that night. Throw some cut up vegetables into a plastic bag and eat them on the way to the party. When preparing dinner, serve the dinner portions then immediatel­y put the leftovers in the fridge. You’ll avoid eating more when cleaning up.

 ?? ASHLEY FRASER/ POSTMEDIA ?? Dr. Yoni Freedhoff, medical director of the Bariatric Medical Institute in Ottawa, says he practices what he preaches to his patients.
ASHLEY FRASER/ POSTMEDIA Dr. Yoni Freedhoff, medical director of the Bariatric Medical Institute in Ottawa, says he practices what he preaches to his patients.
 ?? RICK MACWILLIAM/ EDMONTON JOURNAL ?? Dr. Arya Sharma is a professor of medicine and chair of obesity research and management at the University of Alberta.
RICK MACWILLIAM/ EDMONTON JOURNAL Dr. Arya Sharma is a professor of medicine and chair of obesity research and management at the University of Alberta.

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