Edmonton Journal

Death of man accused in New Delhi gang rape sparks criticism

- Ravi Nessman

NEW DELHI — Whether he was killed or committed suicide, the jailhouse death Monday of a man on trial for the gang rape and fatal beating of a woman on a New Delhi bus has triggered shock at the enormous security failure at one of India’s best-known prisons.

Authoritie­s said Ram Singh, who was accused of driving the bus during the December attack, was in a cell with other inmates at Tihar Jail in New Delhi when he was hanged, either with his own clothes or a bedsheet, about 5:30 a.m.

“This is suicide,” Home Minister Sushilkuma­r Shinde said.

His family and lawyer alleged foul play. “There were no circumstan­ces which could have led to Ram Singh committing suicide. There was no mental stress. He was very happy” about the trial’s course, his lawyer V.K. Anand said.

Singh, 33, had been among five defendants facing the death penalty if convicted of the rape attack, which horrified Indians and set off national protests. A sixth accused is being tried and jailed separately because he is a juvenile.

Singh’s death in custody raised further questions about a criminal-justice system already under attack for failing to protect the nation’s women.

“It’s a grave incident,” said Shinde, the nation’s top law enforcemen­t official. “It’s a major lapse.”

The government had ordered a magistrate’s inquiry and would take action after it received the report, he said.

Kiran Bedi, the former director of the jail and now an activist, said prison officials had a moral and legal obligation to ensure Singh’s safety, and she expressed surprise authoritie­s had not been monitoring him with cameras. “You are duty bound to protect the lives of the prisoners,” she said.

Mamta Sharma, chair of India’s National Commission for Women, said authoritie­s had to explain Singh’s death “despite so much protection, so much precaution, so much security.

“This means that even though he was accused of such a heinous crime, the jail administra­tion did not keep a watchful eye on him,” she said.

In 2011, 68 inmates in India killed themselves and another eight were killed by fellow inmates, according to India’s National Crime Records Bureau. Tihar Jail is badly overcrowde­d and its 12,000 prisoners are nearly twice as many as it was designed to hold. Bedi said that despite that, the treatment of inmates has improved over the past two decades as the jail became more transparen­t, with volunteers constantly coming in and prisoners better educated about their rights.

Ram Singh’s father, Mangelal Singh, said his son had been raped in prison by other inmates and had been repeatedly threatened by inmates and guards. Neverthele­ss, he said he visited his son four days ago and the man appeared fine and gave no hint of any despair that could drive him to take his life.

Ram Singh also had a badly injured hand and would have been unable to hang himself, his father said, speaking from outside his small home in a New Delhi slum.

“Somebody has killed him,” he said, saying he would push for a top-level investigat­ion from India’s Central Bureau of Investigat­ion into the death.

Mangelal Singh said he feared for the safety of another son who is also on trial in the rape case.

Vivek Sharma, a lawyer representi­ng another defendant, said he planned to ask the court to provide greater protection for his client.

“In a high-security jail, an occurrence of this kind is highly condemnabl­e. It raises the serious issue of security of the accused persons in the jail,” he said.

“My clients don’t feel safe in Tihar Jail,” said another defence lawyer, A.P. Singh.

Vimla Mehra, the director general of the jail, declined to say how Ram Singh could have managed to kill himself without alerting the other inmates in his small cell or the guards.

“The inquiry is being conducted and it would be premature to make any statement about the details of the incident,” she said.

Previous reports that Singh was under suicide watch were incorrect a police official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to release details to the media.

 ?? Manish Swarup/ The Associated Press ?? The mother of Ram Singh, the rape defendant who died in prison, cries Monday outside the family’s home.
Manish Swarup/ The Associated Press The mother of Ram Singh, the rape defendant who died in prison, cries Monday outside the family’s home.

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