Edmonton Journal

Accused’s mental state challenged

He knew what was real, says prosecutor

- Christ ie Blat chford

Christine McGoey did what many thought impossible and made from what seemed her sow’s ear of a prosecutio­n case the proverbial silk purse.

“We have trial by jury, not by experts,” the Toronto Crown attorney told the jurors Friday in a powerful closing address at the first-degree murder trial of Richard Kachkar.

It was a straightfo­rward appeal for the six men and six women of the jury to prefer their own common sense and life experience over the wealth of sometimes confoundin­g psychiatri­c evidence they have heard over six weeks of trial.

Lawyers for the 46-year-old Kachkar admit that on Jan. 12, 2011, he was behind the wheel of a stolen truck-cum-snowplow and that he drove it right at Toronto Police Sergeant Ryan Russell, the blade of the plow knocking him off his feet, fatally clipping his head.

But the lawyers say Kachkar shouldn’t be held criminally responsibl­e for what he did because of his mental illness — thus his plea of not guilty.

The defence primarily relies upon three forensic psychiatri­sts who have testified that Kachkar was so mentally ill he couldn’t have understood either the physical consequenc­es or moral wrongness of what he was doing that early morning.

To all that, McGoey said, in effect, nonsense.

“The Crown accepts that more likely than not, Richard Kachkar had a mental disorder,” she said. “But our position is that the nature of the disorder is an issue.”

As she snapped later in her address, “You can have a mental illness and still know something’s wrong.”

Mental illness doesn’t necessaril­y wipe out all contact with reality, McGoey pointed out, or as she put it once, “Motivation­s are not mutually exclusive, mental illness is not the only thing that operates.”

It was a smart point, one that underlines what is likely a typical urban dweller’s varied experience with mental illness, such as the homeless man who shouts obscenitie­s but suddenly quiets when a police car drives by, or the co-worker with bipolar disorder who excels at a demanding job.

And Kachkar’s illness — whatever it was and the psychiatri­sts say either psychosisn­ot-otherwise-specified or late-onset schizophre­nia — was complicate­d and not easily diagnosed.

The three psychiatri­sts, including Dr. Philip Klassen, who was hired by prosecutor­s but testified for the defence, all acknowledg­ed there were hardto-explain aspects of Kachkar’s behaviour and presentati­on.

For one thing, his purported psychosis at the time in question resolved unusually quickly afterwards, and without the help of any anti-psychotic medication.

A series of other doctors, who saw him either in hospital (only after Russell was struck and killed and Kachkar was shot were police able to stop his rampage throughout the city) or in jail, saw no symptoms of psychosis.

For another, the lack of memory Kachkar claimed about the incident itself was atypical, and at least one psychiatri­st suspected he may have been exaggerati­ng it.

And some of Kachkar’s statements before the event or after can be interprete­d two ways — either as evidence of his widerangin­g fear and dread or of his vague intentions to do something wrong.

For instance, several days before, Kachkar asked an acquaintan­ce at a St. Catharines, Ont., shelter if he did something bad, would God still love him? And the night before he stole the snowplow, he told a worker at a Toronto shelter “he was thinking of doing something bad.”

The defence, bolstered by the psychiatri­sts, says that these were comments consistent with what one called Kachkar’s “general sense of foreboding,” but McGoey said they could just as easily be expression­s of his ability to “think ahead” and to plan, and evidence that he hadn’t lost touch with reality.

And for all the strangenes­s of Kachkar’s behaviour that snowy January morning — before he hit Russell, he drove the snowplow into five traffic accidents, went the wrong way down several major streets and did U-turns again and again, shrieked at some passersby about “Chinese technology,” threatened one and invited others to come for a ride — McGoey pointed out that there was also a curious rationalit­y and consistenc­y to it.

Though the psychiatri­sts described him as fearful, how he appeared to many of those who saw him that day was just plain angry, McGoey said.

And he drove the 5,050-kilo truck-cum-plow with great skill, side-swiping a series of taxis here, backing in between pillars to smash a plate-glass window there, pulling up into a narrow lane beside a squad car, and was always alert enough to spot anyone foolish enough to follow him.

Kachkar also displayed a certain interest in his own notoriety, the prosecutor said. When he asked one passerby to jump on for a ride, he promised, “You’ll be on Facebook;” he later asked one of his police guards, “Is this on Facebook?” and inquired of the guard, “Are there newspapers from that night?” and when the guard asked, “What night?,” replied, “The night it happened.”

Most of all, McGoey said, it “is difficult to reconcile” Kachkar running at parked cars “with psychotic, fearful behaviour.”

Rather, she suggested, Kachkar was “flexing in muscle, (saying) ‘Notice me! I’m in control here!’ ” Russell, she said, “was not confrontin­g him, he’s backing away,” when Kachkar drove the plow at him. “But that’s not enough for Richard Kachkar. Richard Kachkar now had Ryan Russell in his sights … he is the deer in Richard Kachkar’s headlights.”

Finally, in an oblique but pointed barb at defence lawyer Bob Richardson, who had repeatedly referred to Russell’s death as a tragedy, McGoey snapped, “Yes, this was a tragedy. It was also a first-degree murder.”

Ontario Superior Court Judge Ian MacDonnell will complete his instructor­s to the jurors Monday, at which point they are expected to begin deliberati­ons.

 ?? Tyler Anderson/ Postmedia News files ?? Jurors will begin deliberati­ons Monday in the trial over the death of Sgt. Ryan Russell, shown in a photo at his 2011 memorial service.
Tyler Anderson/ Postmedia News files Jurors will begin deliberati­ons Monday in the trial over the death of Sgt. Ryan Russell, shown in a photo at his 2011 memorial service.
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