Edmonton Journal

Broccoli stays fresher stored in a plastic bag

- I enjoy your questions and tips, keep them coming. Missed a column? Can’t remember a solution? Need a speaker for an upcoming event? Follow me on Twitter and checkout my website at reena.ca. REENA NERBAS

Q: What is the best way to store broccoli?

A: Refrigerat­e fresh broccoli in a plastic bag, and use within three days of purchase since the vitamin content decreases the longer it is stored. Or, stand broccoli in a jar with water to keep it fresh longer. Kitchen Secret: Take the rubber band off vegetables before storing; they will last twice as long.

Q: My son had an old car that left grease stains on our cement carport and I have tried everything to clean it do you have any suggestion­s?

A: You can purchase products formulated for cleaning concrete. The following are other options you can try, but make sure you always wear eye and skin protection when using chemicals:

Option 1: Bleach. Dilute as the directions indicate for cleaning. Let the solution sit on the stained area for several minutes, then scrub and rinse.

Option 2: T.S.P. Dilute one cup in one gallon of hot water. Pour it on the area and let it sit for 15 minutes. Scrub with a stiff brush. Rinse off with hose and repeat if needed.

Option 3: Muriatic (hydrochlor­ic) acid. Before using muriatic acid, get some important safety advice at http:// www.mass.gov/dep/recycle/hazardous/muriatic.htm.

Muriatic acid is not a stain remover or cleaner. The acid actually etches away the concrete itself, and sometimes the stain as well. You will need to scrub (preferably with a nylon scrub brush) and rinse away this chemical. Follow the directions carefully.

Use muriatic acid only if you seal the driveway with masonry sealer afterwards. Remember that you will be altering the level of the surface if you remove a lot of material. If you use a pressure washer, make sure you have the right nozzle. A jet that is too powerful can damage concrete.


Earlier this week one of your columns addressed making dog food for a dog with allergies. I just wanted to point out that the dog’s diet should have approval from your vet.

One of our dogs had health issues and we tried homemade dog food. Even though the dog food contained meat, egg, oatmeal and vegetables, our dog still seemed to be hungry. Our dogs were fed at supper time and often before we came home from work, but this particular dog would look for things to eat. It wasn’t always a food item and this occasional­ly created dangerous situations. We had to go back to a highly nutritious commercial dog food.

So my advice for your reader would be to check with your vet before changing your dog’s diet. I love your column and always look for it in my newspaper.


Fresh banana peels, which are 100-per-cent biodegrada­ble, can be added to the soil around plants (house or garden) to repel bugs such as aphids and ants. Also, thin strips of peel can be hung on branches.

To soothe sore throats, carefully heat a half-cup of milk and four teaspoons of honey until honey is melted. Mix in another half-cup of milk and warm until it’s as hot as you can drink it.

To eliminate burnt-food oven odours, sprinkle cinnamon in a baking pan. Place the pan in the oven while it’s still warm but no longer hot.

 ?? LORRAINE HJALTE/ POSTMEDIA NEWS ?? Refrigerat­e fresh broccoli in a bag or keep it in a jar with water.
LORRAINE HJALTE/ POSTMEDIA NEWS Refrigerat­e fresh broccoli in a bag or keep it in a jar with water.
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