Edmonton Journal

School repair forecast gloomy

Soon only half will be in ‘good’ shape


CALGARY — The physical condition of dozens of Alberta schools is set to worsen over the next three years, just as the province slashes the maintenanc­e funding school boards rely on to replace things such as aging roofs and old boilers.

Business plans released by the province’s infrastruc­ture department last month predict the overall number of schools in “good condition” will tumble, while those needing repair will rise.

By 2015-16, just half of the 1,500 schools in Alberta are targeted to be in good condition, down from 61 per cent last year. Another 49 per cent of schools (up from 37 per cent) are projected to be just “fair,” indicating additional refurbishm­ent is required.

One per cent are predicted to be “poor” — an improvemen­t from two per cent last year. Schools in that category need major renovation­s or replacemen­t.

But the minister in charge of Alberta Infrastruc­ture says while some schools are getting old, they remain healthy places for students and he’s “not one bit worried about our schools falling down or not being safe.”

“When times are a little tougher like they are now, sometimes maintenanc­e is one of the first things to get, not cut, but scaled back a bit,” Infrastruc­ture Minister Wayne Drysdale said.

The good news for school boards is the Redford government indicated in the March budget it will forge ahead with the 70 modernizat­ions, along with 50 new schools, promised during last year’s provincial election campaign.

Details on which schools will be modernized and where new schools will be built are expected to begin rolling out once the budget is approved, Education Minister Jeff Johnson said recently.

However, most of those won’t be completed for four or five years, according to Drysdale, and aren’t reflected in the current three-year condition targets. Closer to completion are 22 new schools and 13 modernizat­ions announced in 2011.

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