Edmonton Journal

Secrecy remains a cloud over Harper government

Poll finds 69% of Canadians feel higher standards not being met


OTTAWA — Two-thirds of Canadians believe Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Conservati­ve government is too secretive and has failed to govern with high ethical standards, a new poll has found.

The national survey conducted exclusivel­y for Postmedia News and Global Television by Ipsos-Reid also finds that after seven years in office, half of the country still believes that Harper has a “hidden agenda.”

The polling results offer some politicall­y disconcert­ing news for the Conservati­ves as they approach the midpoint — May 2 — of their majority mandate and as the Liberals enjoy renewed popularity associated with Justin Trudeau.

In the coming months, Harper will embark on a significan­t effort to refresh his government’s persona. He will conduct a major cabinet shuffle in the summer.

There will likely be a Throne Speech in the autumn, with an emphasis on promises to cut taxes, balance the budget, get Alberta’s oil products to foreign markets, and enhance trade throughout the world.

The goal is to be well positioned for the next election, in 2015.

Ipsos-Reid CEO Darrell Bricker said in an interview that while Harper is maintainin­g support from his base, there is increasing public fatigue about the way the prime minister governs the country.

“The poll found that 54 per cent of Canadians believe the country is on the “wrong track,” versus 46 per cent who believe it is headed in the “right direction.”

Fifty-eight per cent of Canadians disapprove of the Conservati­ve government under Harper’s leadership, compared to 42 per cent who approve.

Canadians are especially troubled by the government’s actions in one area — secrecy and ethics.

The poll found that 69 per cent of people believe “the Harper Conservati­ves are too secretive and have not kept their promise to govern according to high ethical standards.” Thirty-one per cent believe the Tories have kept their promise.

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