Edmonton Journal

Rig jobs costly for the family

Dad’s absence shifts burden of parenting to Mom

- Elizabeth Withey

They met on a baseball field in Edmonton. Niki Petersen was playing outfield for her dad’s company team when she spotted a handsome guy on first base. Rob Guinchard had blond hair, blue eyes, a charming Newfoundla­nd accent. By mid-season, and with the help of a few celebrator­y drinks, Petersen and Guinchard had made it to first base off the field.

Five years later, the couple has two children: Tyson, three, and Hayden, two. Petersen had always dreamed of being a mother. But family life for this Edmonton mom isn’t quite what she’d imagined. She’s a rig wife, as they call it, one of thousands of women in Alberta and Saskatchew­an tending the fires at home while their spouses work in the oilpatch, often for weeks at a stretch.

Guinchard is a driller and works on rotation: two weeks on, one week off. He spends the winters in Alberta, works in Saskatchew­an through the summers. Because their boys are still in diapers, Petersen is with them full-time. She doesn’t mind being a stayat-home mom, but finds rigwifery incredibly tough.

“Sitting at home being lonely, that’s probably the worst part,” she says. When Guinchard is away, there’s no off-time, no taking turns with the kids, no division of domestic labour, no can-you-watch-them-while-Igo-buy-some-milk. Petersen can’t even text or call Guinchard while he’s working; it’s considered a safety hazard.

“It’s all on me,” she says. “That’s what’s hard about it, when he’s away.”

Petersen’s parents live in the city but she doesn’t like to rely on them too heavily for child care, and it seems extravagan­t to hire a babysitter for $40 just so she can go to the gym.

“There are times that I get angry. ‘Why can’t you just be a normal husband and be home every night?’ ”

She isn’t depressed, she says, just isolated, tired. A trained estheticia­n, she does eyelash extensions for some private clients; it’s a chance to socialize. She loves her little boys, wouldn’t change that for the world, and she isn’t looking for pity. She knows she’s luckier than many.

“I think about single mothers and what they have to go through,” she says. “That’s gotta be rough. I feel bad complainin­g about my life. “

She wants people to know Alberta’s energy sector takes its toll on young families. It takes its toll on women who never even see the proverbial oilpatch, on little boys whose daddies come and go, come and go. Every time Guinchard returns, it’s an adjustment.

“There’s another person deciding half the rules, breaking my rules, it’s kinda screwing with the routine. He likes to try to spoil them because he doesn’t see them all the time. He gives them juice, they get to stay up later.”

Then, just when they settle into a groove, he has to leave.

“We make sure Tyson knows (his dad) is going to work so he doesn’t wake up going, ‘Where’s Daddy?’ It’s harder on him not to know.”

Even in 2013, so much of parenting and domestic work still falls to women, and still goes unnoticed. We talk about the impact of Alberta’s oil industry on birds and rivers and air quality. We talk about issues like highway safety, workplace safety, foreign workers. We talk about the economy, the provincial budget, bitumen bubble.

But what about the cost to parents, children? What about moms like Niki Petersen? She’s working for the oilpatch, too, by extension, except she isn’t paid a dime, and her labour is largely invisible.

Guinchard enjoys a six-figure salary. It’s too good to give up. “You gotta have a roof over your head,” he says. “I’d have to cut back my lifestyle, and I don’t want to do that. I’ve got a truck, a house, go on trips, got kids, they want stuff. You start adding it up.”

To be home every night, the 30-year-old would have to quit and go back to school, only to find a lower-paying job in the city. It makes no financial sense. “I couldn’t do it now. I’m already making big money. I’d take a pay cut.”

A recent Statistics Canada study showed that one in every 13 Canadians (1.9 million people) lives apart from their romantic partner for various reasons, be it geography, employment or otherwise. It’s called LAT: Living Apart Together. Another 240,000 spouses are in “commuter marriages.”

Those numbers don’t account for couples like Petersen and Guinchard, who have the same home address, even though Guinchard is away two-thirds of the time. “It sucks being away from your family, but that’s life,” Guinchard says. “It pays good and I do like my job.”

How does this affect a marriage, children growing up? I don’t know. I know it’s hard enough having a relationsh­ip and raising kids when both parents are under the same roof every night.

Petersen loves her little guys, her big guy, yet she can’t help but dream of Guinchard coming home for supper every night, of being able to call him or text him throughout the day, of having him with her at the hospital when one of their sons needs stitches.

It’s tough for Guinchard, too. He works 12-hour days and “camp is kinda like prison,” he says. Food in the workers’ camps is good but “you go to bed at the same time, you wake up at the same time, there’s nothing to do, you’re stuck in your room pretty much.”

Petersen’s city friends are busy with work and daycare. She relies on Facebook to stay connected with the outside world.

“I find myself on there way too much when he’s gone.”

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 ?? BRYAN YOUNG/ EDMONTON JOURNAL ?? Niki Petersen with her two boys, Tyson and Hayden. Petersen is a “rig wife.” Husband Rob Guinchard works in the oilpatch.
BRYAN YOUNG/ EDMONTON JOURNAL Niki Petersen with her two boys, Tyson and Hayden. Petersen is a “rig wife.” Husband Rob Guinchard works in the oilpatch.

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