Edmonton Journal

Don’t deter healthy eating


Re: “Should you follow the lead, give up gluten?” the Journal, April 27. Dr. Alessio Fasano of Boston says, “Going on a glutenfree diet without a diagnosis is like saying you drink too much, you pee too much, you’re a little light-headed so you’re going to start injecting yourself with insulin because you think you have diabetes. Nobody would do that.”

Just how does a dietary change equate to taking someone’s medicine? I realize the doctor is trying to make a point but reducing the argument to the absurd could be seen not just as discourage­ment from following a “fad” but from making important, healthy lifestyle changes.

If a doctor sees a patient who has spent his entire life watching TV and playing video games, is the physician going to discourage him for having recently joined a gym and starting to move toward a more active lifestyle?

Likewise, are doctors saying that patients should refrain from eating more veggies and less bread without first consulting them?

The health-care system is strained already and consulting doctors to ask “Should I drink more water?” “Should I exercise?” or “Should I eat more veggies?” puts an extra, unneeded load on them when everyone already knows the answers.

Obesity is approachin­g what scientists are calling an epidemic. This is related to the surge in consuming prepackage­d and pre-prepared foods.

If it takes a fad or a gimmick to get people eating more whole foods and home cooking, then I say let’s thank our lucky stars.

Stacey Smethurst, Edmonton

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