Edmonton Journal

U of A cuts short-sighted

- Garth Edwards, St Albert

For more than a century, business and community leaders have guided the University of Alberta with pride and thoughtful­ness to become one of Canada’s finest universiti­es. This goal was not achieved overnight.

University reputation is a competitiv­e business that requires diligence, strong and wise leadership, an industriou­s and often illustriou­s faculty, and a community willing to say this is an important endeavour.

In contrast to the careful developmen­t of the U of A, an elected government like Alberta’s has a brief tenure, and the views and people change from election to election. Politician­s can be shortterm, sometimes capricious administra­tors of the public purse.

The optics of the present Progressiv­e Conservati­ve government’s interferen­ce in the U of A’s funding and well-being are ugly. This government seems unable to manage its own financial house and is unprepared to come to grips with the reality of unstable natural resource revenues.

To compensate for failings and shortfalls, the government turns to the apparent softest targets for budget cuts.

How does one value a soft-target gem such as the U of A, which educates the fertile minds of our young, while producing intelligen­t, productive citizens?

New, useful ideas leading to the developmen­t of new things and improvemen­ts in society constantly arise from research being done there. The U of A is not the oilsands or oil revenue, but each of us needs to think long and hard about its worth to Albertans.

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