Edmonton Journal

Some kudos for calling off the dogs


It’s good news for voters that a growing number of Conservati­ve MPs are refusing to play along with their party’s latest attack ads on Justin Trudeau, at least when it comes to mail-outs to their constituen­ts. While not as extreme as those in the United States, Canadian political ads can prove just as unpleasant and they’re equally corrosive to public confidence in the democratic process and government in general. For many Albertans, the odour still has not yet dissipated from some of the mudslingin­g exchanged during the provincial election one year ago.

The next federal election may still be two years away but that hasn’t stopped federal Conservati­ve party operatives from rolling out a comprehens­ive marketing campaign targeting the purported inadequaci­es of the newly minted Liberal leader. Tory MPs recently received a sample of a constituen­cy flyer, designed by the party’s parliament­ary research group, that is nothing more than an extension of recent television spots discrediti­ng Trudeau’s experience and judgment to govern.

Alberta MPs Brent Rathgeber, Laurie Hawn and Kevin Sorenson are among several Conservati­ves from across the country who have said this week that they won’t be using the mail-out. It’s not their style — they find it inappropri­ate. Some of them have said that’s a view they have picked up from voters back home and also perhaps from an anti-bullying consensus that seems to be gaining strength across the land.

If we can set aside questions about the propriety of using taxpayer-funded constituen­cy flyers for purely partisan purposes, this modest display of a reluctance to smear should serve as a welcome elixir for the body politic.

Character assassinat­ion may be the crack cocaine of political campaignin­g but it’s a cheap buzz that inevitably poisons the democratic base. Voters have grown tired of it. And quite apart from the morality of attack ads, there’s no clear indication that they even work. The research on the matter is all over the map. In any case, as Trudeau has said himself, Canadians deserve better.

Kudos to these few MPs who have decided this latest batch of cynical mail-outs simply do not pass their personal sniff test.

If this be rogueism in the Tory backbenche­s, bring it on.

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