Edmonton Journal

Cutbacks will harm disabled


Re: “Disabled protest funding changes,” the Journal, May 16. I join many of my peers who are concerned about drastic provincial budget cuts to service providers and Albertans receiving Persons with Developmen­tal Disabiliti­es funded supports.

These cuts will end up compromisi­ng the well- being and safety of disabled Albertans.

Some of them have been assessed as low on their “supports-need level.” If you were to meet these people, you’d realize a large portion of them do have special needs and require staff support and assistance.

I agree with the government’s approach that some Albertans with disabiliti­es can be employed. The agency I work for does have a job option (either paid or volunteer) and there have been great matches between our people and employers.

But it is tough to find employers willing to hire some of our individual­s. Beyond that, they require extensive training and support to learn their jobs and maintain that employment as independen­tly as possible.

Where is the budget for this proposed solution? From what I have heard and read, only a small percentage of funding has been allocated toward employabil­ity while a much larger portion has been removed from the community access program.

I call on the Alberta government to allocate sufficient funds for existing Persons with Developmen­tal Disabiliti­es supports. Jackie Pearson, Alberta Beach

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