Edmonton Journal

Forget the infernal prose

Dan Brown delivers exactly what fans want

- ANDREW PYPER Postmedia News

Dan Brown has a vision of history that’s at once ridiculous and paranoid, a take on Western culture that reduces the greatest (or at least most famous) accomplish­ments of human endeavour to arch, multimedia scavenger hunts.

It’s a world view that has produced novels entertaini­ng in a way all their own and, for Brown, proven to be profitable in terms that would be implausibl­e if situated in even one of his own hyperbolic fictions.

Now the new book is here. And the good news for hammock readers and long-haul flight boredom fighters is that Inferno is just as ridiculous and entertaini­ng — if not quite ridiculous­ly entertaini­ng — as you might reasonably hope.

The novel opens with Robert Langdon, Harvard art historian and self-described “symbologis­t,” awakening in a Florence hospital but with no memories of the past two days, nor how he got to Italy from a walk across campus in Cambridge.

One of his caregivers there is Dr. Sienna Brooks, comely and athletic and British, who explains to him that he’s been shot, a skull graze that left him with a concussion and amnesia. That’s when they’re interrupte­d by The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo: a woman “dressed entirely in black leather” who dismounts from her BMW motorcycle, bursts in and starts firing. “Toned and strong with dark, spiked hair,” Vayentha is a punk assassin intent on blowing the rest of Langdon’s head off, and plays the role of the physical threat this time out (one who’s cooler, if decidedly less original, than an albino monk).

What happens next? A bunch of stuff. So much stuff you’d need a Harvard symbologis­t and someone with an IQ of 208 and a cerebellum “capable of manipulati­ng visual-spatial content in ways that most human beings could not begin to fathom” to figure it all out.

Fortunatel­y, Inferno has both, as Sienna is not only a “natural beauty” with a “lithe figure” but also a walking Wikipedia, a super-hot genius with a literally big head.

When Langdon discovers a titanium case marked by the biohazard warning symbol stitched into the lining of his Harris Tweed jacket he didn’t know was there, Sienna correctly guesses it’s equipped with fingerprin­t detection: someone’s touch can open this Pandora’s Box. Langdon’s, of course.

And when he does, a device within projects Botticelli’s La Mappa dell’Inferno onto the wall, the famous painting depicting Dante’s circles of hell. But in the projection, the image has been altered, with numbers and letters and messages subtly added.

With these clues in hand, Langdon and Sienna are off on a riddle-riddled travelogue through Florence and multiple internatio­nal stops beyond.

What are they after? Ultimately, a few things.

The identity of a shadowy figure who may have created an instrument of global catastroph­e as a way of bringing about our salvation. A connection between a villainous conspiracy, genetic manipulati­on and the “plague” of overpopula­tion. A secret, unimaginab­ly moneyed group called the Consortium (that Brown contends is real by another name) that serves the whims of its ethically challenged clients. And the solutions to formulae that reference Dante’s poem so numerous they’d make the Mona Lisa blush.

Hardcore puzzlers and conspiracy hounds will no doubt see Inferno as a cruise ship buffet: endless, rich and allyou-can-eat. It may well leave others feeling overstuffe­d. As compared to Brown’s previous Langdon novels, this one goes to eleven.

The same can’t be said of the writing, which is flat and cliched from cover to cover, and never more inert than when the story tries to wheeze into action.

I know, I know. The writing in a Dan Brown book isn’t the point. It’s allowed to be flat and cliched because it’s about the puzzle, the interestin­g factoids about “real” stuff that sort of really happened, the clear mental visions of Tom Hanks with a worried look up on the big screen. Criticizin­g the prose in a Dan Brown novel is like complainin­g about the food in a brothel.

But why can’t the food in a brothel be tasty? Not Michelinst­arred necessaril­y, just made by something other than a machine? After all, if the puzzles and codes can be devised at a level only a fancy Harvard professor can figure out, why is it snobbish to ask that the prose equal that which a halfway gifted high school student might produce?

Ah, to hell with it. Literally. “Resistance is futile,” as a villain in Inferno might put it. This is a book that works because it knows what it’s good at, style be damned. If a novelist’s job is to create a world, one at once recognizab­le as our own and compelling as a fabricatio­n — a myth, in other words — then let the codes and sales numbers speak for themselves: There are few mythmakers out there better than Dan Brown. Andrew Pyper is the author of six novels including Lost Girls, The Killing Circle and, most recently, The Demonologi­st.

 ?? SETH WENIG/ THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? There are few mythmakers better than Dan Brown, whose latest novel is Inferno.
SETH WENIG/ THE ASSOCIATED PRESS There are few mythmakers better than Dan Brown, whose latest novel is Inferno.
 ??  ?? Inferno Dan Brown (Doubleday)
Inferno Dan Brown (Doubleday)

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