Edmonton Journal

Winner Rosberg a chip off the old block


MONACO — Even though he emulated his father in winning the Monaco Grand Prix, Nico Rosberg thinks he is some way from being able to complete another father-and-son double by clinching the world title as well.

Rosberg kept his cool amid the chaos to win the crash-marred race on Sunday to give Mercedes its first victory of the season, as well as matching Keke Rosberg’s Monaco victory from 1983 — the year after Rosberg Sr. won his only F1 title. But Rosberg is only sixth in the overall standings and is still 60 points behind leader Sebastian Vettel.

“I don’t want to talk about (the title) at all,” Rosberg said. “We should not get over-excited for the next couple of races. We still have a bit of an issue with our race pace, and also with the developmen­t race, everyone is pushing forward. So I am definitely not thinking of the championsh­ip, I am today just thinking about Monaco.”

He played down the emotional significan­ce of matching his father’s achievemen­t.

“It’s special, but honestly that’s not what I was thinking of when I was crossing the finish line,” Rosberg said.

Still, he did enjoy the occasion of winning only his second career GP in the place where he spent much of his childhood growing up.

“This is the most special race for me to win, it was incredible, unreal. That is what is special about the sport,” Rosberg said. “When I was quite young watching this race, my first memory was Ayrton Senna with the yellow helmet in the red and white (car).”

Rosberg began from pole position for the third straight GP, but he had to re-start three times after the race was held up by a safety car, a red flag and the safety car again.

The German finished ahead of Vettel and his Red Bull teammate Mark Webber. Lewis Hamilton finished fourth after starting from second.

Rosberg won his other race at the China GP last year.

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